Class WorkspaceClient

  • public class WorkspaceClient
    extends Object

    Original spec-file module name: Workspace

     The Workspace Service (WSS) is primarily a language independent remote storage
     and retrieval system for KBase typed objects (TO) defined with the KBase
     Interface Description Language (KIDL). It has the following primary features:
     - Immutable storage of TOs with
             - user defined metadata
             - data provenance
     - Versioning of TOs
     - Referencing from TO to TO
     - Typechecking of all saved objects against a KIDL specification
     - Collecting typed objects into a workspace
     - Sharing workspaces with specific KBase users or the world
     - Freezing and publishing workspaces
    • Constructor Detail

      • WorkspaceClient

        public WorkspaceClient()
        Constructs a client with the default url and no user credentials.
      • WorkspaceClient

        public WorkspaceClient​(URL url)
        Constructs a client with a custom URL and no user credentials.
        url - the URL of the service.
      • WorkspaceClient

        public WorkspaceClient​(URL url,
                               String user,
                               String password)
                        throws UnauthorizedException,
        Constructs a client with a custom URL.
        url - the URL of the service.
        user - the user name.
        password - the password for the user name.
        UnauthorizedException - if the credentials are not valid.
        IOException - if an IOException occurs when checking the user's credentials.
      • WorkspaceClient

        public WorkspaceClient​(URL url,
                               String user,
                               String password,
                               URL auth)
                        throws UnauthorizedException,
        Constructs a client with a custom URL and a custom authorization service URL.
        url - the URL of the service.
        user - the user name.
        password - the password for the user name.
        auth - the URL of the authorization server.
        UnauthorizedException - if the credentials are not valid.
        IOException - if an IOException occurs when checking the user's credentials.
      • WorkspaceClient

        public WorkspaceClient​(String user,
                               String password)
                        throws UnauthorizedException,
        Constructs a client with the default URL.
        user - the user name.
        password - the password for the user name.
        UnauthorizedException - if the credentials are not valid.
        IOException - if an IOException occurs when checking the user's credentials.
    • Method Detail

      • getToken

        public AuthToken getToken()
        Get the token this client uses to communicate with the server.
        the authorization token.
      • getURL

        public URL getURL()
        Get the URL of the service with which this client communicates.
        the service URL.
      • setConnectionReadTimeOut

        public void setConnectionReadTimeOut​(Integer milliseconds)
        Set the timeout between establishing a connection to a server and receiving a response. A value of zero or null implies no timeout.
        milliseconds - the milliseconds to wait before timing out when attempting to read from a server.
      • isInsecureHttpConnectionAllowed

        public boolean isInsecureHttpConnectionAllowed()
        Check if this client allows insecure http (vs https) connections.
        true if insecure connections are allowed.
      • isAuthAllowedForHttp

        public boolean isAuthAllowedForHttp()
        Deprecated. Use isInsecureHttpConnectionAllowed().
      • setIsInsecureHttpConnectionAllowed

        public void setIsInsecureHttpConnectionAllowed​(boolean allowed)
        Set whether insecure http (vs https) connections should be allowed by this client.
        allowed - true to allow insecure connections. Default false
      • setAuthAllowedForHttp

        public void setAuthAllowedForHttp​(boolean isAuthAllowedForHttp)
        Deprecated. Use setIsInsecureHttpConnectionAllowed().
      • setAllSSLCertificatesTrusted

        public void setAllSSLCertificatesTrusted​(boolean trustAll)
        Set whether all SSL certificates, including self-signed certificates, should be trusted.
        trustAll - true to trust all certificates. Default false.
      • isAllSSLCertificatesTrusted

        public boolean isAllSSLCertificatesTrusted()
        Check if this client trusts all SSL certificates, including self-signed certificates.
        true if all certificates are trusted.
      • setStreamingModeOn

        public void setStreamingModeOn​(boolean streamRequest)
        Sets streaming mode on. In this case, the data will be streamed to the server in chunks as it is read from disk rather than buffered in memory. Many servers are not compatible with this feature.
        streamRequest - true to set streaming mode on, false otherwise.
      • isStreamingModeOn

        public boolean isStreamingModeOn()
        Returns true if streaming mode is on.
        true if streaming mode is on.
      • _setFileForNextRpcResponse

        public void _setFileForNextRpcResponse​(File f)
      • getServiceVersion

        public String getServiceVersion()
      • setServiceVersion

        public void setServiceVersion​(String newValue)
      • createWorkspace

        public Tuple9<Long,​String,​String,​String,​Long,​String,​String,​String,​Map<String,​String>> createWorkspace​(CreateWorkspaceParams params,
                                                                                                                                                                    RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                                                                                                                                             throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: create_workspace

         Creates a new workspace.
        params - instance of type CreateWorkspaceParams
        parameter "info" of original type "workspace_info" (Information about a workspace. ws_id id - the numerical ID of the workspace. ws_name workspace - name of the workspace. username owner - name of the user who owns (e.g. created) this workspace. timestamp moddate - date when the workspace was last modified. int max_objid - the maximum object ID appearing in this workspace. Since cloning a workspace preserves object IDs, this number may be greater than the number of objects in a newly cloned workspace. permission user_permission - permissions for the authenticated user of this workspace. permission globalread - whether this workspace is globally readable. lock_status lockstat - the status of the workspace lock. usermeta metadata - arbitrary user-supplied metadata about the workspace.) → tuple of size 9: parameter "id" of original type "ws_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of a workspace.), parameter "workspace" of original type "ws_name" (A string used as a name for a workspace. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and "_", ".", or "-" that is not an integer is acceptable. The name may optionally be prefixed with the workspace owner's user name and a colon, e.g. kbasetest:my_workspace.), parameter "owner" of original type "username" (Login name of a KBase user account.), parameter "moddate" of original type "timestamp" (A time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, where Z is either the character Z (representing the UTC timezone) or the difference in time to UTC in the format +/-HHMM, eg: 2012-12-17T23:24:06-0500 (EST time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32+0000 (UTC time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32Z (UTC time)), parameter "max_objid" of Long, parameter "user_permission" of original type "permission" (Represents the permissions a user or users have to a workspace: 'a' - administrator. All operations allowed. 'w' - read/write. 'r' - read. 'n' - no permissions.), parameter "globalread" of original type "permission" (Represents the permissions a user or users have to a workspace: 'a' - administrator. All operations allowed. 'w' - read/write. 'r' - read. 'n' - no permissions.), parameter "lockstat" of original type "lock_status" (The lock status of a workspace. One of 'unlocked', 'locked', or 'published'.), parameter "metadata" of original type "usermeta" (User provided metadata about an object. Arbitrary key-value pairs provided by the user.) → mapping from String to String
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • cloneWorkspace

        public Tuple9<Long,​String,​String,​String,​Long,​String,​String,​String,​Map<String,​String>> cloneWorkspace​(CloneWorkspaceParams params,
                                                                                                                                                                   RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                                                                                                                                            throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: clone_workspace

         Clones a workspace.
        params - instance of type CloneWorkspaceParams
        parameter "info" of original type "workspace_info" (Information about a workspace. ws_id id - the numerical ID of the workspace. ws_name workspace - name of the workspace. username owner - name of the user who owns (e.g. created) this workspace. timestamp moddate - date when the workspace was last modified. int max_objid - the maximum object ID appearing in this workspace. Since cloning a workspace preserves object IDs, this number may be greater than the number of objects in a newly cloned workspace. permission user_permission - permissions for the authenticated user of this workspace. permission globalread - whether this workspace is globally readable. lock_status lockstat - the status of the workspace lock. usermeta metadata - arbitrary user-supplied metadata about the workspace.) → tuple of size 9: parameter "id" of original type "ws_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of a workspace.), parameter "workspace" of original type "ws_name" (A string used as a name for a workspace. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and "_", ".", or "-" that is not an integer is acceptable. The name may optionally be prefixed with the workspace owner's user name and a colon, e.g. kbasetest:my_workspace.), parameter "owner" of original type "username" (Login name of a KBase user account.), parameter "moddate" of original type "timestamp" (A time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, where Z is either the character Z (representing the UTC timezone) or the difference in time to UTC in the format +/-HHMM, eg: 2012-12-17T23:24:06-0500 (EST time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32+0000 (UTC time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32Z (UTC time)), parameter "max_objid" of Long, parameter "user_permission" of original type "permission" (Represents the permissions a user or users have to a workspace: 'a' - administrator. All operations allowed. 'w' - read/write. 'r' - read. 'n' - no permissions.), parameter "globalread" of original type "permission" (Represents the permissions a user or users have to a workspace: 'a' - administrator. All operations allowed. 'w' - read/write. 'r' - read. 'n' - no permissions.), parameter "lockstat" of original type "lock_status" (The lock status of a workspace. One of 'unlocked', 'locked', or 'published'.), parameter "metadata" of original type "usermeta" (User provided metadata about an object. Arbitrary key-value pairs provided by the user.) → mapping from String to String
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • lockWorkspace

        public Tuple9<Long,​String,​String,​String,​Long,​String,​String,​String,​Map<String,​String>> lockWorkspace​(WorkspaceIdentity wsi,
                                                                                                                                                                  RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                                                                                                                                           throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: lock_workspace

         Lock a workspace, preventing further changes.
                         WARNING: Locking a workspace is permanent. A workspace, once locked,
                         cannot be unlocked.
                         The only changes allowed for a locked workspace are changing user
                         based permissions or making a private workspace globally readable,
                         thus permanently publishing the workspace. A locked, globally readable
                         workspace cannot be made private.
        wsi - instance of type WorkspaceIdentity
        parameter "info" of original type "workspace_info" (Information about a workspace. ws_id id - the numerical ID of the workspace. ws_name workspace - name of the workspace. username owner - name of the user who owns (e.g. created) this workspace. timestamp moddate - date when the workspace was last modified. int max_objid - the maximum object ID appearing in this workspace. Since cloning a workspace preserves object IDs, this number may be greater than the number of objects in a newly cloned workspace. permission user_permission - permissions for the authenticated user of this workspace. permission globalread - whether this workspace is globally readable. lock_status lockstat - the status of the workspace lock. usermeta metadata - arbitrary user-supplied metadata about the workspace.) → tuple of size 9: parameter "id" of original type "ws_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of a workspace.), parameter "workspace" of original type "ws_name" (A string used as a name for a workspace. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and "_", ".", or "-" that is not an integer is acceptable. The name may optionally be prefixed with the workspace owner's user name and a colon, e.g. kbasetest:my_workspace.), parameter "owner" of original type "username" (Login name of a KBase user account.), parameter "moddate" of original type "timestamp" (A time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, where Z is either the character Z (representing the UTC timezone) or the difference in time to UTC in the format +/-HHMM, eg: 2012-12-17T23:24:06-0500 (EST time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32+0000 (UTC time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32Z (UTC time)), parameter "max_objid" of Long, parameter "user_permission" of original type "permission" (Represents the permissions a user or users have to a workspace: 'a' - administrator. All operations allowed. 'w' - read/write. 'r' - read. 'n' - no permissions.), parameter "globalread" of original type "permission" (Represents the permissions a user or users have to a workspace: 'a' - administrator. All operations allowed. 'w' - read/write. 'r' - read. 'n' - no permissions.), parameter "lockstat" of original type "lock_status" (The lock status of a workspace. One of 'unlocked', 'locked', or 'published'.), parameter "metadata" of original type "usermeta" (User provided metadata about an object. Arbitrary key-value pairs provided by the user.) → mapping from String to String
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • getWorkspacemeta

        public Tuple7<String,​String,​String,​Long,​String,​String,​Long> getWorkspacemeta​(GetWorkspacemetaParams params,
                                                                                                                         RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                                                                                                  throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: get_workspacemeta

         Retrieves the metadata associated with the specified workspace.
         Provided for backwards compatibility.
        params - instance of type GetWorkspacemetaParams (original type "get_workspacemeta_params")
        parameter "metadata" of original type "workspace_metadata" (Meta data associated with a workspace. Provided for backwards compatibility. To be replaced by workspace_info. ws_name id - name of the workspace username owner - name of the user who owns (who created) this workspace timestamp moddate - date when the workspace was last modified int objects - the approximate number of objects currently stored in the workspace. permission user_permission - permissions for the currently logged in user for the workspace permission global_permission - default permissions for the workspace for all KBase users ws_id num_id - numerical ID of the workspace @deprecated Workspace.workspace_info) → tuple of size 7: parameter "id" of original type "ws_name" (A string used as a name for a workspace. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and "_", ".", or "-" that is not an integer is acceptable. The name may optionally be prefixed with the workspace owner's user name and a colon, e.g. kbasetest:my_workspace.), parameter "owner" of original type "username" (Login name of a KBase user account.), parameter "moddate" of original type "timestamp" (A time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, where Z is either the character Z (representing the UTC timezone) or the difference in time to UTC in the format +/-HHMM, eg: 2012-12-17T23:24:06-0500 (EST time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32+0000 (UTC time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32Z (UTC time)), parameter "objects" of Long, parameter "user_permission" of original type "permission" (Represents the permissions a user or users have to a workspace: 'a' - administrator. All operations allowed. 'w' - read/write. 'r' - read. 'n' - no permissions.), parameter "global_permission" of original type "permission" (Represents the permissions a user or users have to a workspace: 'a' - administrator. All operations allowed. 'w' - read/write. 'r' - read. 'n' - no permissions.), parameter "num_id" of original type "ws_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of a workspace.)
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • getWorkspaceInfo

        public Tuple9<Long,​String,​String,​String,​Long,​String,​String,​String,​Map<String,​String>> getWorkspaceInfo​(WorkspaceIdentity wsi,
                                                                                                                                                                     RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                                                                                                                                              throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: get_workspace_info

         Get information associated with a workspace.
        wsi - instance of type WorkspaceIdentity
        parameter "info" of original type "workspace_info" (Information about a workspace. ws_id id - the numerical ID of the workspace. ws_name workspace - name of the workspace. username owner - name of the user who owns (e.g. created) this workspace. timestamp moddate - date when the workspace was last modified. int max_objid - the maximum object ID appearing in this workspace. Since cloning a workspace preserves object IDs, this number may be greater than the number of objects in a newly cloned workspace. permission user_permission - permissions for the authenticated user of this workspace. permission globalread - whether this workspace is globally readable. lock_status lockstat - the status of the workspace lock. usermeta metadata - arbitrary user-supplied metadata about the workspace.) → tuple of size 9: parameter "id" of original type "ws_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of a workspace.), parameter "workspace" of original type "ws_name" (A string used as a name for a workspace. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and "_", ".", or "-" that is not an integer is acceptable. The name may optionally be prefixed with the workspace owner's user name and a colon, e.g. kbasetest:my_workspace.), parameter "owner" of original type "username" (Login name of a KBase user account.), parameter "moddate" of original type "timestamp" (A time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, where Z is either the character Z (representing the UTC timezone) or the difference in time to UTC in the format +/-HHMM, eg: 2012-12-17T23:24:06-0500 (EST time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32+0000 (UTC time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32Z (UTC time)), parameter "max_objid" of Long, parameter "user_permission" of original type "permission" (Represents the permissions a user or users have to a workspace: 'a' - administrator. All operations allowed. 'w' - read/write. 'r' - read. 'n' - no permissions.), parameter "globalread" of original type "permission" (Represents the permissions a user or users have to a workspace: 'a' - administrator. All operations allowed. 'w' - read/write. 'r' - read. 'n' - no permissions.), parameter "lockstat" of original type "lock_status" (The lock status of a workspace. One of 'unlocked', 'locked', or 'published'.), parameter "metadata" of original type "usermeta" (User provided metadata about an object. Arbitrary key-value pairs provided by the user.) → mapping from String to String
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • getPermissions

        public Map<String,​String> getPermissions​(WorkspaceIdentity wsi,
                                                       RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                                throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: get_permissions

         Get permissions for a workspace.
        wsi - instance of type WorkspaceIdentity
        parameter "perms" of mapping from original type "username" (Login name of a KBase user account.) to original type "permission" (Represents the permissions a user or users have to a workspace: 'a' - administrator. All operations allowed. 'w' - read/write. 'r' - read. 'n' - no permissions.)
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • saveObject

        public Tuple12<String,​String,​String,​Long,​String,​String,​String,​String,​String,​String,​Map<String,​String>,​Long> saveObject​(SaveObjectParams params,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                                                                                                                                                                                throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: save_object

         Saves the input object data and metadata into the selected workspace,
                 returning the object_metadata of the saved object. Provided
                 for backwards compatibility.
        params - instance of type SaveObjectParams (original type "save_object_params")
        parameter "metadata" of original type "object_metadata" (Meta data associated with an object stored in a workspace. Provided for backwards compatibility. obj_name id - name of the object. type_string type - type of the object. timestamp moddate - date when the object was saved obj_ver instance - the version of the object string command - Deprecated. Always returns the empty string. username lastmodifier - name of the user who last saved the object, including copying the object username owner - Deprecated. Same as lastmodifier. ws_name workspace - name of the workspace in which the object is stored string ref - Deprecated. Always returns the empty string. string chsum - the md5 checksum of the object. usermeta metadata - arbitrary user-supplied metadata about the object. obj_id objid - the numerical id of the object. @deprecated object_info) → tuple of size 12: parameter "id" of original type "obj_name" (A string used as a name for an object. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and the characters |._- that is not an integer is acceptable.), parameter "type" of original type "type_string" (A type string. Specifies the type and its version in a single string in the format [module].[typename]-[major].[minor]: module - a string. The module name of the typespec containing the type. typename - a string. The name of the type as assigned by the typedef statement. major - an integer. The major version of the type. A change in the major version implies the type has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the type. A change in the minor version implies that the type has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous type definitions. In many cases, the major and minor versions are optional, and if not provided the most recent version will be used. Example: MyModule.MyType-3.1), parameter "moddate" of original type "timestamp" (A time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, where Z is either the character Z (representing the UTC timezone) or the difference in time to UTC in the format +/-HHMM, eg: 2012-12-17T23:24:06-0500 (EST time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32+0000 (UTC time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32Z (UTC time)), parameter "instance" of Long, parameter "command" of String, parameter "lastmodifier" of original type "username" (Login name of a KBase user account.), parameter "owner" of original type "username" (Login name of a KBase user account.), parameter "workspace" of original type "ws_name" (A string used as a name for a workspace. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and "_", ".", or "-" that is not an integer is acceptable. The name may optionally be prefixed with the workspace owner's user name and a colon, e.g. kbasetest:my_workspace.), parameter "ref" of String, parameter "chsum" of String, parameter "metadata" of original type "usermeta" (User provided metadata about an object. Arbitrary key-value pairs provided by the user.) → mapping from String to String, parameter "objid" of original type "obj_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of an object.)
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • saveObjects

        public List<Tuple11<Long,​String,​String,​String,​Long,​String,​Long,​String,​String,​Long,​Map<String,​String>>> saveObjects​(SaveObjectsParams params,
                                                                                                                                                                                             RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                                                                                                                                                                      throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: save_objects

         Save objects to the workspace. Saving over a deleted object undeletes
        params - instance of type SaveObjectsParams
        parameter "info" of list of original type "object_info" (Information about an object, including user provided metadata. obj_id objid - the numerical id of the object. obj_name name - the name of the object. type_string type - the type of the object. timestamp save_date - the save date of the object. obj_ver ver - the version of the object. username saved_by - the user that saved or copied the object. ws_id wsid - the workspace containing the object. ws_name workspace - the workspace containing the object. string chsum - the md5 checksum of the object. int size - the size of the object in bytes. usermeta meta - arbitrary user-supplied metadata about the object.) → tuple of size 11: parameter "objid" of original type "obj_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of an object.), parameter "name" of original type "obj_name" (A string used as a name for an object. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and the characters |._- that is not an integer is acceptable.), parameter "type" of original type "type_string" (A type string. Specifies the type and its version in a single string in the format [module].[typename]-[major].[minor]: module - a string. The module name of the typespec containing the type. typename - a string. The name of the type as assigned by the typedef statement. major - an integer. The major version of the type. A change in the major version implies the type has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the type. A change in the minor version implies that the type has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous type definitions. In many cases, the major and minor versions are optional, and if not provided the most recent version will be used. Example: MyModule.MyType-3.1), parameter "save_date" of original type "timestamp" (A time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, where Z is either the character Z (representing the UTC timezone) or the difference in time to UTC in the format +/-HHMM, eg: 2012-12-17T23:24:06-0500 (EST time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32+0000 (UTC time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32Z (UTC time)), parameter "version" of Long, parameter "saved_by" of original type "username" (Login name of a KBase user account.), parameter "wsid" of original type "ws_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of a workspace.), parameter "workspace" of original type "ws_name" (A string used as a name for a workspace. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and "_", ".", or "-" that is not an integer is acceptable. The name may optionally be prefixed with the workspace owner's user name and a colon, e.g. kbasetest:my_workspace.), parameter "chsum" of String, parameter "size" of Long, parameter "meta" of original type "usermeta" (User provided metadata about an object. Arbitrary key-value pairs provided by the user.) → mapping from String to String
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • getObject

        public GetObjectOutput getObject​(GetObjectParams params,
                                         RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                  throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: get_object

         Retrieves the specified object from the specified workspace.
         Both the object data and metadata are returned.
         Provided for backwards compatibility.
        params - instance of type GetObjectParams (original type "get_object_params")
        parameter "output" of type GetObjectOutput (original type "get_object_output")
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • getObjectSubset

        public List<ObjectData> getObjectSubset​(List<SubObjectIdentity> subObjectIds,
                                                RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                         throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: get_object_subset

         Get portions of objects from the workspace.
         When selecting a subset of an array in an object, the returned
         array is compressed to the size of the subset, but the ordering of
         the array is maintained. For example, if the array stored at the
         'feature' key of a Genome object has 4000 entries, and the object paths
         provided are:
         The returned feature array will be of length three and the entries will
         consist, in order, of the 7th, 700th, and 3015th entries of the
         original array.
        subObjectIds - instance of list of type SubObjectIdentity
        parameter "data" of list of type ObjectData
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • getObjectHistory

        public List<Tuple11<Long,​String,​String,​String,​Long,​String,​Long,​String,​String,​Long,​Map<String,​String>>> getObjectHistory​(ObjectIdentity object,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                                                                                                                                                                           throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: get_object_history

         Get an object's history. The version argument of the ObjectIdentity is
        object - instance of type ObjectIdentity
        parameter "history" of list of original type "object_info" (Information about an object, including user provided metadata. obj_id objid - the numerical id of the object. obj_name name - the name of the object. type_string type - the type of the object. timestamp save_date - the save date of the object. obj_ver ver - the version of the object. username saved_by - the user that saved or copied the object. ws_id wsid - the workspace containing the object. ws_name workspace - the workspace containing the object. string chsum - the md5 checksum of the object. int size - the size of the object in bytes. usermeta meta - arbitrary user-supplied metadata about the object.) → tuple of size 11: parameter "objid" of original type "obj_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of an object.), parameter "name" of original type "obj_name" (A string used as a name for an object. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and the characters |._- that is not an integer is acceptable.), parameter "type" of original type "type_string" (A type string. Specifies the type and its version in a single string in the format [module].[typename]-[major].[minor]: module - a string. The module name of the typespec containing the type. typename - a string. The name of the type as assigned by the typedef statement. major - an integer. The major version of the type. A change in the major version implies the type has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the type. A change in the minor version implies that the type has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous type definitions. In many cases, the major and minor versions are optional, and if not provided the most recent version will be used. Example: MyModule.MyType-3.1), parameter "save_date" of original type "timestamp" (A time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, where Z is either the character Z (representing the UTC timezone) or the difference in time to UTC in the format +/-HHMM, eg: 2012-12-17T23:24:06-0500 (EST time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32+0000 (UTC time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32Z (UTC time)), parameter "version" of Long, parameter "saved_by" of original type "username" (Login name of a KBase user account.), parameter "wsid" of original type "ws_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of a workspace.), parameter "workspace" of original type "ws_name" (A string used as a name for a workspace. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and "_", ".", or "-" that is not an integer is acceptable. The name may optionally be prefixed with the workspace owner's user name and a colon, e.g. kbasetest:my_workspace.), parameter "chsum" of String, parameter "size" of Long, parameter "meta" of original type "usermeta" (User provided metadata about an object. Arbitrary key-value pairs provided by the user.) → mapping from String to String
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • listReferencingObjects

        public List<List<Tuple11<Long,​String,​String,​String,​Long,​String,​Long,​String,​String,​Long,​Map<String,​String>>>> listReferencingObjects​(List<ObjectIdentity> objectIds,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                                                                                                                                                                                       throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: list_referencing_objects

         List objects that reference one or more specified objects. References
         in the deleted state are not returned.
        objectIds - instance of list of type ObjectIdentity
        parameter "referrers" of list of list of original type "object_info" (Information about an object, including user provided metadata. obj_id objid - the numerical id of the object. obj_name name - the name of the object. type_string type - the type of the object. timestamp save_date - the save date of the object. obj_ver ver - the version of the object. username saved_by - the user that saved or copied the object. ws_id wsid - the workspace containing the object. ws_name workspace - the workspace containing the object. string chsum - the md5 checksum of the object. int size - the size of the object in bytes. usermeta meta - arbitrary user-supplied metadata about the object.) → tuple of size 11: parameter "objid" of original type "obj_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of an object.), parameter "name" of original type "obj_name" (A string used as a name for an object. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and the characters |._- that is not an integer is acceptable.), parameter "type" of original type "type_string" (A type string. Specifies the type and its version in a single string in the format [module].[typename]-[major].[minor]: module - a string. The module name of the typespec containing the type. typename - a string. The name of the type as assigned by the typedef statement. major - an integer. The major version of the type. A change in the major version implies the type has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the type. A change in the minor version implies that the type has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous type definitions. In many cases, the major and minor versions are optional, and if not provided the most recent version will be used. Example: MyModule.MyType-3.1), parameter "save_date" of original type "timestamp" (A time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, where Z is either the character Z (representing the UTC timezone) or the difference in time to UTC in the format +/-HHMM, eg: 2012-12-17T23:24:06-0500 (EST time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32+0000 (UTC time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32Z (UTC time)), parameter "version" of Long, parameter "saved_by" of original type "username" (Login name of a KBase user account.), parameter "wsid" of original type "ws_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of a workspace.), parameter "workspace" of original type "ws_name" (A string used as a name for a workspace. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and "_", ".", or "-" that is not an integer is acceptable. The name may optionally be prefixed with the workspace owner's user name and a colon, e.g. kbasetest:my_workspace.), parameter "chsum" of String, parameter "size" of Long, parameter "meta" of original type "usermeta" (User provided metadata about an object. Arbitrary key-value pairs provided by the user.) → mapping from String to String
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • listReferencingObjectCounts

        public List<Long> listReferencingObjectCounts​(List<ObjectIdentity> objectIds,
                                                      RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                               throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: list_referencing_object_counts

         List the number of times objects have been referenced.
         This count includes both provenance and object-to-object references
         and, unlike list_referencing_objects, includes objects that are
         inaccessible to the user.
        objectIds - instance of list of type ObjectIdentity
        parameter "counts" of list of Long
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • getReferencedObjects

        public List<ObjectData> getReferencedObjects​(List<List<ObjectIdentity>> refChains,
                                                     RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                              throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: get_referenced_objects

                         Get objects by references from other objects.
                         NOTE: In the vast majority of cases, this method is not necessary and
                         get_objects should be used instead.
                         get_referenced_objects guarantees that a user that has access to an
                         object can always see a) objects that are referenced inside the object
                         and b) objects that are referenced in the object's provenance. This
                         ensures that the user has visibility into the entire provenance of the
                         object and the object's object dependencies (e.g. references).
                         The user must have at least read access to the first object in each
                         reference chain, but need not have access to any further objects in
                         the chain, and those objects may be deleted.
        refChains - instance of list of original type "ref_chain" (A chain of objects with references to one another. An object reference chain consists of a list of objects where the nth object possesses a reference, either in the object itself or in the object provenance, to the n+1th object.) → list of type ObjectIdentity
        parameter "data" of list of type ObjectData
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • listWorkspaces

        public List<Tuple7<String,​String,​String,​Long,​String,​String,​Long>> listWorkspaces​(ListWorkspacesParams params,
                                                                                                                             RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                                                                                                      throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: list_workspaces

         Lists the metadata of all workspaces a user has access to. Provided for
         backwards compatibility - to be replaced by the functionality of
        params - instance of type ListWorkspacesParams (original type "list_workspaces_params")
        parameter "workspaces" of list of original type "workspace_metadata" (Meta data associated with a workspace. Provided for backwards compatibility. To be replaced by workspace_info. ws_name id - name of the workspace username owner - name of the user who owns (who created) this workspace timestamp moddate - date when the workspace was last modified int objects - the approximate number of objects currently stored in the workspace. permission user_permission - permissions for the currently logged in user for the workspace permission global_permission - default permissions for the workspace for all KBase users ws_id num_id - numerical ID of the workspace @deprecated Workspace.workspace_info) → tuple of size 7: parameter "id" of original type "ws_name" (A string used as a name for a workspace. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and "_", ".", or "-" that is not an integer is acceptable. The name may optionally be prefixed with the workspace owner's user name and a colon, e.g. kbasetest:my_workspace.), parameter "owner" of original type "username" (Login name of a KBase user account.), parameter "moddate" of original type "timestamp" (A time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, where Z is either the character Z (representing the UTC timezone) or the difference in time to UTC in the format +/-HHMM, eg: 2012-12-17T23:24:06-0500 (EST time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32+0000 (UTC time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32Z (UTC time)), parameter "objects" of Long, parameter "user_permission" of original type "permission" (Represents the permissions a user or users have to a workspace: 'a' - administrator. All operations allowed. 'w' - read/write. 'r' - read. 'n' - no permissions.), parameter "global_permission" of original type "permission" (Represents the permissions a user or users have to a workspace: 'a' - administrator. All operations allowed. 'w' - read/write. 'r' - read. 'n' - no permissions.), parameter "num_id" of original type "ws_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of a workspace.)
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • listWorkspaceInfo

        public List<Tuple9<Long,​String,​String,​String,​Long,​String,​String,​String,​Map<String,​String>>> listWorkspaceInfo​(ListWorkspaceInfoParams params,
                                                                                                                                                                            RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                                                                                                                                                     throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: list_workspace_info

         List workspaces viewable by the user.
        params - instance of type ListWorkspaceInfoParams
        parameter "wsinfo" of list of original type "workspace_info" (Information about a workspace. ws_id id - the numerical ID of the workspace. ws_name workspace - name of the workspace. username owner - name of the user who owns (e.g. created) this workspace. timestamp moddate - date when the workspace was last modified. int max_objid - the maximum object ID appearing in this workspace. Since cloning a workspace preserves object IDs, this number may be greater than the number of objects in a newly cloned workspace. permission user_permission - permissions for the authenticated user of this workspace. permission globalread - whether this workspace is globally readable. lock_status lockstat - the status of the workspace lock. usermeta metadata - arbitrary user-supplied metadata about the workspace.) → tuple of size 9: parameter "id" of original type "ws_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of a workspace.), parameter "workspace" of original type "ws_name" (A string used as a name for a workspace. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and "_", ".", or "-" that is not an integer is acceptable. The name may optionally be prefixed with the workspace owner's user name and a colon, e.g. kbasetest:my_workspace.), parameter "owner" of original type "username" (Login name of a KBase user account.), parameter "moddate" of original type "timestamp" (A time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, where Z is either the character Z (representing the UTC timezone) or the difference in time to UTC in the format +/-HHMM, eg: 2012-12-17T23:24:06-0500 (EST time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32+0000 (UTC time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32Z (UTC time)), parameter "max_objid" of Long, parameter "user_permission" of original type "permission" (Represents the permissions a user or users have to a workspace: 'a' - administrator. All operations allowed. 'w' - read/write. 'r' - read. 'n' - no permissions.), parameter "globalread" of original type "permission" (Represents the permissions a user or users have to a workspace: 'a' - administrator. All operations allowed. 'w' - read/write. 'r' - read. 'n' - no permissions.), parameter "lockstat" of original type "lock_status" (The lock status of a workspace. One of 'unlocked', 'locked', or 'published'.), parameter "metadata" of original type "usermeta" (User provided metadata about an object. Arbitrary key-value pairs provided by the user.) → mapping from String to String
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • listWorkspaceObjects

        public List<Tuple12<String,​String,​String,​Long,​String,​String,​String,​String,​String,​String,​Map<String,​String>,​Long>> listWorkspaceObjects​(ListWorkspaceObjectsParams params,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: list_workspace_objects

         Lists the metadata of all objects in the specified workspace with the
         specified type (or with any type). Provided for backwards compatibility.
        params - instance of type ListWorkspaceObjectsParams (original type "list_workspace_objects_params")
        parameter "objects" of list of original type "object_metadata" (Meta data associated with an object stored in a workspace. Provided for backwards compatibility. obj_name id - name of the object. type_string type - type of the object. timestamp moddate - date when the object was saved obj_ver instance - the version of the object string command - Deprecated. Always returns the empty string. username lastmodifier - name of the user who last saved the object, including copying the object username owner - Deprecated. Same as lastmodifier. ws_name workspace - name of the workspace in which the object is stored string ref - Deprecated. Always returns the empty string. string chsum - the md5 checksum of the object. usermeta metadata - arbitrary user-supplied metadata about the object. obj_id objid - the numerical id of the object. @deprecated object_info) → tuple of size 12: parameter "id" of original type "obj_name" (A string used as a name for an object. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and the characters |._- that is not an integer is acceptable.), parameter "type" of original type "type_string" (A type string. Specifies the type and its version in a single string in the format [module].[typename]-[major].[minor]: module - a string. The module name of the typespec containing the type. typename - a string. The name of the type as assigned by the typedef statement. major - an integer. The major version of the type. A change in the major version implies the type has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the type. A change in the minor version implies that the type has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous type definitions. In many cases, the major and minor versions are optional, and if not provided the most recent version will be used. Example: MyModule.MyType-3.1), parameter "moddate" of original type "timestamp" (A time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, where Z is either the character Z (representing the UTC timezone) or the difference in time to UTC in the format +/-HHMM, eg: 2012-12-17T23:24:06-0500 (EST time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32+0000 (UTC time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32Z (UTC time)), parameter "instance" of Long, parameter "command" of String, parameter "lastmodifier" of original type "username" (Login name of a KBase user account.), parameter "owner" of original type "username" (Login name of a KBase user account.), parameter "workspace" of original type "ws_name" (A string used as a name for a workspace. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and "_", ".", or "-" that is not an integer is acceptable. The name may optionally be prefixed with the workspace owner's user name and a colon, e.g. kbasetest:my_workspace.), parameter "ref" of String, parameter "chsum" of String, parameter "metadata" of original type "usermeta" (User provided metadata about an object. Arbitrary key-value pairs provided by the user.) → mapping from String to String, parameter "objid" of original type "obj_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of an object.)
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • listObjects

        public List<Tuple11<Long,​String,​String,​String,​Long,​String,​Long,​String,​String,​Long,​Map<String,​String>>> listObjects​(ListObjectsParams params,
                                                                                                                                                                                             RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                                                                                                                                                                      throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: list_objects

         List objects in one or more workspaces.
        params - instance of type ListObjectsParams
        parameter "objinfo" of list of original type "object_info" (Information about an object, including user provided metadata. obj_id objid - the numerical id of the object. obj_name name - the name of the object. type_string type - the type of the object. timestamp save_date - the save date of the object. obj_ver ver - the version of the object. username saved_by - the user that saved or copied the object. ws_id wsid - the workspace containing the object. ws_name workspace - the workspace containing the object. string chsum - the md5 checksum of the object. int size - the size of the object in bytes. usermeta meta - arbitrary user-supplied metadata about the object.) → tuple of size 11: parameter "objid" of original type "obj_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of an object.), parameter "name" of original type "obj_name" (A string used as a name for an object. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and the characters |._- that is not an integer is acceptable.), parameter "type" of original type "type_string" (A type string. Specifies the type and its version in a single string in the format [module].[typename]-[major].[minor]: module - a string. The module name of the typespec containing the type. typename - a string. The name of the type as assigned by the typedef statement. major - an integer. The major version of the type. A change in the major version implies the type has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the type. A change in the minor version implies that the type has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous type definitions. In many cases, the major and minor versions are optional, and if not provided the most recent version will be used. Example: MyModule.MyType-3.1), parameter "save_date" of original type "timestamp" (A time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, where Z is either the character Z (representing the UTC timezone) or the difference in time to UTC in the format +/-HHMM, eg: 2012-12-17T23:24:06-0500 (EST time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32+0000 (UTC time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32Z (UTC time)), parameter "version" of Long, parameter "saved_by" of original type "username" (Login name of a KBase user account.), parameter "wsid" of original type "ws_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of a workspace.), parameter "workspace" of original type "ws_name" (A string used as a name for a workspace. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and "_", ".", or "-" that is not an integer is acceptable. The name may optionally be prefixed with the workspace owner's user name and a colon, e.g. kbasetest:my_workspace.), parameter "chsum" of String, parameter "size" of Long, parameter "meta" of original type "usermeta" (User provided metadata about an object. Arbitrary key-value pairs provided by the user.) → mapping from String to String
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • getObjectmeta

        public Tuple12<String,​String,​String,​Long,​String,​String,​String,​String,​String,​String,​Map<String,​String>,​Long> getObjectmeta​(GetObjectmetaParams params,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                                                                                                                                                                                   throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: get_objectmeta

         Retrieves the metadata for a specified object from the specified
         workspace. Provides access to metadata for all versions of the object
         via the instance parameter. Provided for backwards compatibility.
        params - instance of type GetObjectmetaParams (original type "get_objectmeta_params")
        parameter "metadata" of original type "object_metadata" (Meta data associated with an object stored in a workspace. Provided for backwards compatibility. obj_name id - name of the object. type_string type - type of the object. timestamp moddate - date when the object was saved obj_ver instance - the version of the object string command - Deprecated. Always returns the empty string. username lastmodifier - name of the user who last saved the object, including copying the object username owner - Deprecated. Same as lastmodifier. ws_name workspace - name of the workspace in which the object is stored string ref - Deprecated. Always returns the empty string. string chsum - the md5 checksum of the object. usermeta metadata - arbitrary user-supplied metadata about the object. obj_id objid - the numerical id of the object. @deprecated object_info) → tuple of size 12: parameter "id" of original type "obj_name" (A string used as a name for an object. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and the characters |._- that is not an integer is acceptable.), parameter "type" of original type "type_string" (A type string. Specifies the type and its version in a single string in the format [module].[typename]-[major].[minor]: module - a string. The module name of the typespec containing the type. typename - a string. The name of the type as assigned by the typedef statement. major - an integer. The major version of the type. A change in the major version implies the type has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the type. A change in the minor version implies that the type has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous type definitions. In many cases, the major and minor versions are optional, and if not provided the most recent version will be used. Example: MyModule.MyType-3.1), parameter "moddate" of original type "timestamp" (A time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, where Z is either the character Z (representing the UTC timezone) or the difference in time to UTC in the format +/-HHMM, eg: 2012-12-17T23:24:06-0500 (EST time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32+0000 (UTC time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32Z (UTC time)), parameter "instance" of Long, parameter "command" of String, parameter "lastmodifier" of original type "username" (Login name of a KBase user account.), parameter "owner" of original type "username" (Login name of a KBase user account.), parameter "workspace" of original type "ws_name" (A string used as a name for a workspace. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and "_", ".", or "-" that is not an integer is acceptable. The name may optionally be prefixed with the workspace owner's user name and a colon, e.g. kbasetest:my_workspace.), parameter "ref" of String, parameter "chsum" of String, parameter "metadata" of original type "usermeta" (User provided metadata about an object. Arbitrary key-value pairs provided by the user.) → mapping from String to String, parameter "objid" of original type "obj_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of an object.)
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • getObjectInfo

        public List<Tuple11<Long,​String,​String,​String,​Long,​String,​Long,​String,​String,​Long,​Map<String,​String>>> getObjectInfo​(List<ObjectIdentity> objectIds,
                                                                                                                                                                                               Long includeMetadata,
                                                                                                                                                                                               RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                                                                                                                                                                        throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: get_object_info

         Get information about objects from the workspace.
         Set includeMetadata true to include the user specified metadata.
         Otherwise the metadata in the object_info will be null.
         This method will be replaced by the behavior of get_object_info_new
         in the future.
        objectIds - instance of list of type ObjectIdentity
        includeMetadata - instance of original type "boolean" (A boolean. 0 = false, other = true.)
        parameter "info" of list of original type "object_info" (Information about an object, including user provided metadata. obj_id objid - the numerical id of the object. obj_name name - the name of the object. type_string type - the type of the object. timestamp save_date - the save date of the object. obj_ver ver - the version of the object. username saved_by - the user that saved or copied the object. ws_id wsid - the workspace containing the object. ws_name workspace - the workspace containing the object. string chsum - the md5 checksum of the object. int size - the size of the object in bytes. usermeta meta - arbitrary user-supplied metadata about the object.) → tuple of size 11: parameter "objid" of original type "obj_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of an object.), parameter "name" of original type "obj_name" (A string used as a name for an object. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and the characters |._- that is not an integer is acceptable.), parameter "type" of original type "type_string" (A type string. Specifies the type and its version in a single string in the format [module].[typename]-[major].[minor]: module - a string. The module name of the typespec containing the type. typename - a string. The name of the type as assigned by the typedef statement. major - an integer. The major version of the type. A change in the major version implies the type has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the type. A change in the minor version implies that the type has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous type definitions. In many cases, the major and minor versions are optional, and if not provided the most recent version will be used. Example: MyModule.MyType-3.1), parameter "save_date" of original type "timestamp" (A time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, where Z is either the character Z (representing the UTC timezone) or the difference in time to UTC in the format +/-HHMM, eg: 2012-12-17T23:24:06-0500 (EST time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32+0000 (UTC time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32Z (UTC time)), parameter "version" of Long, parameter "saved_by" of original type "username" (Login name of a KBase user account.), parameter "wsid" of original type "ws_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of a workspace.), parameter "workspace" of original type "ws_name" (A string used as a name for a workspace. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and "_", ".", or "-" that is not an integer is acceptable. The name may optionally be prefixed with the workspace owner's user name and a colon, e.g. kbasetest:my_workspace.), parameter "chsum" of String, parameter "size" of Long, parameter "meta" of original type "usermeta" (User provided metadata about an object. Arbitrary key-value pairs provided by the user.) → mapping from String to String
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • getObjectInfoNew

        public List<Tuple11<Long,​String,​String,​String,​Long,​String,​Long,​String,​String,​Long,​Map<String,​String>>> getObjectInfoNew​(GetObjectInfoNewParams params,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                                                                                                                                                                           throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: get_object_info_new

         Get information about objects from the workspace.
        params - instance of type GetObjectInfoNewParams
        parameter "info" of list of original type "object_info" (Information about an object, including user provided metadata. obj_id objid - the numerical id of the object. obj_name name - the name of the object. type_string type - the type of the object. timestamp save_date - the save date of the object. obj_ver ver - the version of the object. username saved_by - the user that saved or copied the object. ws_id wsid - the workspace containing the object. ws_name workspace - the workspace containing the object. string chsum - the md5 checksum of the object. int size - the size of the object in bytes. usermeta meta - arbitrary user-supplied metadata about the object.) → tuple of size 11: parameter "objid" of original type "obj_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of an object.), parameter "name" of original type "obj_name" (A string used as a name for an object. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and the characters |._- that is not an integer is acceptable.), parameter "type" of original type "type_string" (A type string. Specifies the type and its version in a single string in the format [module].[typename]-[major].[minor]: module - a string. The module name of the typespec containing the type. typename - a string. The name of the type as assigned by the typedef statement. major - an integer. The major version of the type. A change in the major version implies the type has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the type. A change in the minor version implies that the type has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous type definitions. In many cases, the major and minor versions are optional, and if not provided the most recent version will be used. Example: MyModule.MyType-3.1), parameter "save_date" of original type "timestamp" (A time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, where Z is either the character Z (representing the UTC timezone) or the difference in time to UTC in the format +/-HHMM, eg: 2012-12-17T23:24:06-0500 (EST time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32+0000 (UTC time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32Z (UTC time)), parameter "version" of Long, parameter "saved_by" of original type "username" (Login name of a KBase user account.), parameter "wsid" of original type "ws_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of a workspace.), parameter "workspace" of original type "ws_name" (A string used as a name for a workspace. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and "_", ".", or "-" that is not an integer is acceptable. The name may optionally be prefixed with the workspace owner's user name and a colon, e.g. kbasetest:my_workspace.), parameter "chsum" of String, parameter "size" of Long, parameter "meta" of original type "usermeta" (User provided metadata about an object. Arbitrary key-value pairs provided by the user.) → mapping from String to String
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • renameWorkspace

        public Tuple9<Long,​String,​String,​String,​Long,​String,​String,​String,​Map<String,​String>> renameWorkspace​(RenameWorkspaceParams params,
                                                                                                                                                                    RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                                                                                                                                             throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: rename_workspace

         Rename a workspace.
        params - instance of type RenameWorkspaceParams
        parameter "renamed" of original type "workspace_info" (Information about a workspace. ws_id id - the numerical ID of the workspace. ws_name workspace - name of the workspace. username owner - name of the user who owns (e.g. created) this workspace. timestamp moddate - date when the workspace was last modified. int max_objid - the maximum object ID appearing in this workspace. Since cloning a workspace preserves object IDs, this number may be greater than the number of objects in a newly cloned workspace. permission user_permission - permissions for the authenticated user of this workspace. permission globalread - whether this workspace is globally readable. lock_status lockstat - the status of the workspace lock. usermeta metadata - arbitrary user-supplied metadata about the workspace.) → tuple of size 9: parameter "id" of original type "ws_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of a workspace.), parameter "workspace" of original type "ws_name" (A string used as a name for a workspace. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and "_", ".", or "-" that is not an integer is acceptable. The name may optionally be prefixed with the workspace owner's user name and a colon, e.g. kbasetest:my_workspace.), parameter "owner" of original type "username" (Login name of a KBase user account.), parameter "moddate" of original type "timestamp" (A time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, where Z is either the character Z (representing the UTC timezone) or the difference in time to UTC in the format +/-HHMM, eg: 2012-12-17T23:24:06-0500 (EST time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32+0000 (UTC time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32Z (UTC time)), parameter "max_objid" of Long, parameter "user_permission" of original type "permission" (Represents the permissions a user or users have to a workspace: 'a' - administrator. All operations allowed. 'w' - read/write. 'r' - read. 'n' - no permissions.), parameter "globalread" of original type "permission" (Represents the permissions a user or users have to a workspace: 'a' - administrator. All operations allowed. 'w' - read/write. 'r' - read. 'n' - no permissions.), parameter "lockstat" of original type "lock_status" (The lock status of a workspace. One of 'unlocked', 'locked', or 'published'.), parameter "metadata" of original type "usermeta" (User provided metadata about an object. Arbitrary key-value pairs provided by the user.) → mapping from String to String
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • renameObject

        public Tuple11<Long,​String,​String,​String,​Long,​String,​Long,​String,​String,​Long,​Map<String,​String>> renameObject​(RenameObjectParams params,
                                                                                                                                                                                        RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                                                                                                                                                                 throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: rename_object

         Rename an object. User meta data is always returned as null.
        params - instance of type RenameObjectParams
        parameter "renamed" of original type "object_info" (Information about an object, including user provided metadata. obj_id objid - the numerical id of the object. obj_name name - the name of the object. type_string type - the type of the object. timestamp save_date - the save date of the object. obj_ver ver - the version of the object. username saved_by - the user that saved or copied the object. ws_id wsid - the workspace containing the object. ws_name workspace - the workspace containing the object. string chsum - the md5 checksum of the object. int size - the size of the object in bytes. usermeta meta - arbitrary user-supplied metadata about the object.) → tuple of size 11: parameter "objid" of original type "obj_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of an object.), parameter "name" of original type "obj_name" (A string used as a name for an object. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and the characters |._- that is not an integer is acceptable.), parameter "type" of original type "type_string" (A type string. Specifies the type and its version in a single string in the format [module].[typename]-[major].[minor]: module - a string. The module name of the typespec containing the type. typename - a string. The name of the type as assigned by the typedef statement. major - an integer. The major version of the type. A change in the major version implies the type has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the type. A change in the minor version implies that the type has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous type definitions. In many cases, the major and minor versions are optional, and if not provided the most recent version will be used. Example: MyModule.MyType-3.1), parameter "save_date" of original type "timestamp" (A time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, where Z is either the character Z (representing the UTC timezone) or the difference in time to UTC in the format +/-HHMM, eg: 2012-12-17T23:24:06-0500 (EST time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32+0000 (UTC time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32Z (UTC time)), parameter "version" of Long, parameter "saved_by" of original type "username" (Login name of a KBase user account.), parameter "wsid" of original type "ws_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of a workspace.), parameter "workspace" of original type "ws_name" (A string used as a name for a workspace. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and "_", ".", or "-" that is not an integer is acceptable. The name may optionally be prefixed with the workspace owner's user name and a colon, e.g. kbasetest:my_workspace.), parameter "chsum" of String, parameter "size" of Long, parameter "meta" of original type "usermeta" (User provided metadata about an object. Arbitrary key-value pairs provided by the user.) → mapping from String to String
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • copyObject

        public Tuple11<Long,​String,​String,​String,​Long,​String,​Long,​String,​String,​Long,​Map<String,​String>> copyObject​(CopyObjectParams params,
                                                                                                                                                                                      RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                                                                                                                                                               throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: copy_object

         Copy an object. Returns the object_info for the newest version.
        params - instance of type CopyObjectParams
        parameter "copied" of original type "object_info" (Information about an object, including user provided metadata. obj_id objid - the numerical id of the object. obj_name name - the name of the object. type_string type - the type of the object. timestamp save_date - the save date of the object. obj_ver ver - the version of the object. username saved_by - the user that saved or copied the object. ws_id wsid - the workspace containing the object. ws_name workspace - the workspace containing the object. string chsum - the md5 checksum of the object. int size - the size of the object in bytes. usermeta meta - arbitrary user-supplied metadata about the object.) → tuple of size 11: parameter "objid" of original type "obj_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of an object.), parameter "name" of original type "obj_name" (A string used as a name for an object. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and the characters |._- that is not an integer is acceptable.), parameter "type" of original type "type_string" (A type string. Specifies the type and its version in a single string in the format [module].[typename]-[major].[minor]: module - a string. The module name of the typespec containing the type. typename - a string. The name of the type as assigned by the typedef statement. major - an integer. The major version of the type. A change in the major version implies the type has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the type. A change in the minor version implies that the type has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous type definitions. In many cases, the major and minor versions are optional, and if not provided the most recent version will be used. Example: MyModule.MyType-3.1), parameter "save_date" of original type "timestamp" (A time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, where Z is either the character Z (representing the UTC timezone) or the difference in time to UTC in the format +/-HHMM, eg: 2012-12-17T23:24:06-0500 (EST time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32+0000 (UTC time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32Z (UTC time)), parameter "version" of Long, parameter "saved_by" of original type "username" (Login name of a KBase user account.), parameter "wsid" of original type "ws_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of a workspace.), parameter "workspace" of original type "ws_name" (A string used as a name for a workspace. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and "_", ".", or "-" that is not an integer is acceptable. The name may optionally be prefixed with the workspace owner's user name and a colon, e.g. kbasetest:my_workspace.), parameter "chsum" of String, parameter "size" of Long, parameter "meta" of original type "usermeta" (User provided metadata about an object. Arbitrary key-value pairs provided by the user.) → mapping from String to String
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • revertObject

        public Tuple11<Long,​String,​String,​String,​Long,​String,​Long,​String,​String,​Long,​Map<String,​String>> revertObject​(ObjectIdentity object,
                                                                                                                                                                                        RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                                                                                                                                                                 throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: revert_object

         Revert an object.
                         The object specified in the ObjectIdentity is reverted to the version
                         specified in the ObjectIdentity.
        object - instance of type ObjectIdentity
        parameter "reverted" of original type "object_info" (Information about an object, including user provided metadata. obj_id objid - the numerical id of the object. obj_name name - the name of the object. type_string type - the type of the object. timestamp save_date - the save date of the object. obj_ver ver - the version of the object. username saved_by - the user that saved or copied the object. ws_id wsid - the workspace containing the object. ws_name workspace - the workspace containing the object. string chsum - the md5 checksum of the object. int size - the size of the object in bytes. usermeta meta - arbitrary user-supplied metadata about the object.) → tuple of size 11: parameter "objid" of original type "obj_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of an object.), parameter "name" of original type "obj_name" (A string used as a name for an object. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and the characters |._- that is not an integer is acceptable.), parameter "type" of original type "type_string" (A type string. Specifies the type and its version in a single string in the format [module].[typename]-[major].[minor]: module - a string. The module name of the typespec containing the type. typename - a string. The name of the type as assigned by the typedef statement. major - an integer. The major version of the type. A change in the major version implies the type has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the type. A change in the minor version implies that the type has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous type definitions. In many cases, the major and minor versions are optional, and if not provided the most recent version will be used. Example: MyModule.MyType-3.1), parameter "save_date" of original type "timestamp" (A time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, where Z is either the character Z (representing the UTC timezone) or the difference in time to UTC in the format +/-HHMM, eg: 2012-12-17T23:24:06-0500 (EST time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32+0000 (UTC time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32Z (UTC time)), parameter "version" of Long, parameter "saved_by" of original type "username" (Login name of a KBase user account.), parameter "wsid" of original type "ws_id" (The unique, permanent numerical ID of a workspace.), parameter "workspace" of original type "ws_name" (A string used as a name for a workspace. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and "_", ".", or "-" that is not an integer is acceptable. The name may optionally be prefixed with the workspace owner's user name and a colon, e.g. kbasetest:my_workspace.), parameter "chsum" of String, parameter "size" of Long, parameter "meta" of original type "usermeta" (User provided metadata about an object. Arbitrary key-value pairs provided by the user.) → mapping from String to String
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • hideObjects

        public void hideObjects​(List<ObjectIdentity> objectIds,
                                RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                         throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: hide_objects

         Hide objects. All versions of an object are hidden, regardless of
         the version specified in the ObjectIdentity. Hidden objects do not
         appear in the list_objects method.
        objectIds - instance of list of type ObjectIdentity
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • undeleteObjects

        public void undeleteObjects​(List<ObjectIdentity> objectIds,
                                    RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                             throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: undelete_objects

         Undelete objects. All versions of an object are undeleted, regardless
         of the version specified in the ObjectIdentity. If an object is not
         deleted, no error is thrown.
        objectIds - instance of list of type ObjectIdentity
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • requestModuleOwnership

        public void requestModuleOwnership​(String mod,
                                           RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                    throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: request_module_ownership

         Request ownership of a module name. A Workspace administrator
         must approve the request.
        mod - instance of original type "modulename" (A module name defined in a KIDL typespec.)
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • registerTypespec

        public Map<String,​String> registerTypespec​(RegisterTypespecParams params,
                                                         RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                                  throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: register_typespec

         Register a new typespec or recompile a previously registered typespec
         with new options.
         See the documentation of RegisterTypespecParams for more details.
         Also see the release_types function.
        params - instance of type RegisterTypespecParams
        instance of mapping from original type "type_string" (A type string. Specifies the type and its version in a single string in the format [module].[typename]-[major].[minor]: module - a string. The module name of the typespec containing the type. typename - a string. The name of the type as assigned by the typedef statement. major - an integer. The major version of the type. A change in the major version implies the type has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the type. A change in the minor version implies that the type has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous type definitions. In many cases, the major and minor versions are optional, and if not provided the most recent version will be used. Example: MyModule.MyType-3.1) to original type "jsonschema" (The JSON Schema (v4) representation of a type definition.)
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • registerTypespecCopy

        public Long registerTypespecCopy​(RegisterTypespecCopyParams params,
                                         RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                  throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: register_typespec_copy

         Register a copy of new typespec or refresh an existing typespec which is
         loaded from another workspace for synchronization. Method returns new
         version of module in current workspace.
         Also see the release_types function.
        params - instance of type RegisterTypespecCopyParams
        parameter "new_local_version" of original type "spec_version" (The version of a typespec file.)
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • releaseModule

        public List<String> releaseModule​(String mod,
                                          RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                   throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: release_module

         Release a module for general use of its types.
                         Releases the most recent version of a module. Releasing a module does
                         two things to the module's types:
                         1) If a type's major version is 0, it is changed to 1. A major
                                 version of 0 implies that the type is in development and may have
                                 backwards incompatible changes from minor version to minor version.
                                 Once a type is released, backwards incompatible changes always
                                 cause a major version increment.
                         2) This version of the type becomes the default version, and if a
                                 specific version is not supplied in a function call, this version
                                 will be used. This means that newer, unreleased versions of the
                                 type may be skipped.
        mod - instance of original type "modulename" (A module name defined in a KIDL typespec.)
        parameter "types" of list of original type "type_string" (A type string. Specifies the type and its version in a single string in the format [module].[typename]-[major].[minor]: module - a string. The module name of the typespec containing the type. typename - a string. The name of the type as assigned by the typedef statement. major - an integer. The major version of the type. A change in the major version implies the type has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the type. A change in the minor version implies that the type has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous type definitions. In many cases, the major and minor versions are optional, and if not provided the most recent version will be used. Example: MyModule.MyType-3.1)
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • getJsonschema

        public String getJsonschema​(String type,
                                    RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                             throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: get_jsonschema

         Get JSON schema for a type.
        type - instance of original type "type_string" (A type string. Specifies the type and its version in a single string in the format [module].[typename]-[major].[minor]: module - a string. The module name of the typespec containing the type. typename - a string. The name of the type as assigned by the typedef statement. major - an integer. The major version of the type. A change in the major version implies the type has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the type. A change in the minor version implies that the type has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous type definitions. In many cases, the major and minor versions are optional, and if not provided the most recent version will be used. Example: MyModule.MyType-3.1)
        parameter "schema" of original type "jsonschema" (The JSON Schema (v4) representation of a type definition.)
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • translateFromMD5Types

        public Map<String,​List<String>> translateFromMD5Types​(List<String> md5Types,
                                                                    RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                                             throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: translate_from_MD5_types

         Translation from types qualified with MD5 to their semantic versions
        md5Types - instance of list of original type "type_string" (A type string. Specifies the type and its version in a single string in the format [module].[typename]-[major].[minor]: module - a string. The module name of the typespec containing the type. typename - a string. The name of the type as assigned by the typedef statement. major - an integer. The major version of the type. A change in the major version implies the type has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the type. A change in the minor version implies that the type has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous type definitions. In many cases, the major and minor versions are optional, and if not provided the most recent version will be used. Example: MyModule.MyType-3.1)
        parameter "sem_types" of mapping from original type "type_string" (A type string. Specifies the type and its version in a single string in the format [module].[typename]-[major].[minor]: module - a string. The module name of the typespec containing the type. typename - a string. The name of the type as assigned by the typedef statement. major - an integer. The major version of the type. A change in the major version implies the type has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the type. A change in the minor version implies that the type has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous type definitions. In many cases, the major and minor versions are optional, and if not provided the most recent version will be used. Example: MyModule.MyType-3.1) to list of original type "type_string" (A type string. Specifies the type and its version in a single string in the format [module].[typename]-[major].[minor]: module - a string. The module name of the typespec containing the type. typename - a string. The name of the type as assigned by the typedef statement. major - an integer. The major version of the type. A change in the major version implies the type has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the type. A change in the minor version implies that the type has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous type definitions. In many cases, the major and minor versions are optional, and if not provided the most recent version will be used. Example: MyModule.MyType-3.1)
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • translateToMD5Types

        public Map<String,​String> translateToMD5Types​(List<String> semTypes,
                                                            RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                                     throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: translate_to_MD5_types

         Translation from types qualified with semantic versions to their MD5'ed versions
        semTypes - instance of list of original type "type_string" (A type string. Specifies the type and its version in a single string in the format [module].[typename]-[major].[minor]: module - a string. The module name of the typespec containing the type. typename - a string. The name of the type as assigned by the typedef statement. major - an integer. The major version of the type. A change in the major version implies the type has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the type. A change in the minor version implies that the type has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous type definitions. In many cases, the major and minor versions are optional, and if not provided the most recent version will be used. Example: MyModule.MyType-3.1)
        parameter "md5_types" of mapping from original type "type_string" (A type string. Specifies the type and its version in a single string in the format [module].[typename]-[major].[minor]: module - a string. The module name of the typespec containing the type. typename - a string. The name of the type as assigned by the typedef statement. major - an integer. The major version of the type. A change in the major version implies the type has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the type. A change in the minor version implies that the type has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous type definitions. In many cases, the major and minor versions are optional, and if not provided the most recent version will be used. Example: MyModule.MyType-3.1) to original type "type_string" (A type string. Specifies the type and its version in a single string in the format [module].[typename]-[major].[minor]: module - a string. The module name of the typespec containing the type. typename - a string. The name of the type as assigned by the typedef statement. major - an integer. The major version of the type. A change in the major version implies the type has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the type. A change in the minor version implies that the type has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous type definitions. In many cases, the major and minor versions are optional, and if not provided the most recent version will be used. Example: MyModule.MyType-3.1)
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • getTypeInfo

        public TypeInfo getTypeInfo​(String type,
                                    RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                             throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: get_type_info

        type - instance of original type "type_string" (A type string. Specifies the type and its version in a single string in the format [module].[typename]-[major].[minor]: module - a string. The module name of the typespec containing the type. typename - a string. The name of the type as assigned by the typedef statement. major - an integer. The major version of the type. A change in the major version implies the type has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the type. A change in the minor version implies that the type has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous type definitions. In many cases, the major and minor versions are optional, and if not provided the most recent version will be used. Example: MyModule.MyType-3.1)
        parameter "info" of type TypeInfo
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • getFuncInfo

        public FuncInfo getFuncInfo​(String func,
                                    RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                             throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: get_func_info

        func - instance of original type "func_string" (A function string for referencing a funcdef. Specifies the function and its version in a single string in the format [modulename].[funcname]-[major].[minor]: modulename - a string. The name of the module containing the function. funcname - a string. The name of the function as assigned by the funcdef statement. major - an integer. The major version of the function. A change in the major version implies the function has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the function. A change in the minor version implies that the function has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous function definitions. In many cases, the major and minor versions are optional, and if not provided the most recent version will be used. Example: MyModule.MyFunc-3.1)
        parameter "info" of type FuncInfo
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs
      • listAllTypes

        public Map<String,​Map<String,​String>> listAllTypes​(ListAllTypesParams params,
                                                                       RpcContext... jsonRpcContext)
                                                                throws IOException,

        Original spec-file function name: list_all_types

         List all released types with released version from all modules. Return
         mapping from module name to mapping from type name to released type
        params - instance of type ListAllTypesParams
        instance of mapping from original type "modulename" (A module name defined in a KIDL typespec.) to mapping from original type "typename" (A type definition name in a KIDL typespec.) to original type "typever" (A version of a type. Specifies the version of the type in a single string in the format [major].[minor]: major - an integer. The major version of the type. A change in the major version implies the type has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the type. A change in the minor version implies that the type has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous type definitions.)
        IOException - if an IO exception occurs
        JsonClientException - if a JSON RPC exception occurs