

The Workspace Service (WSS) is primarily a language independent remote storage and retrieval system for KBase typed objects (TO) defined with the KBase Interface Description Language (KIDL). It has the following primary features: - Immutable storage of TOs with - user defined metadata - data provenance - Versioning of TOs - Referencing from TO to TO - Typechecking of all saved objects against a KIDL specification - Collecting typed objects into a workspace - Sharing workspaces with specific KBase users or the world - Freezing and publishing workspaces


$ver = $obj->ver()
Parameter and return types
$ver is a string


Returns the version of the workspace service.


$info = $obj->create_workspace($params)
Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.CreateWorkspaceParams
$info is a Workspace.workspace_info
CreateWorkspaceParams is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	globalread has a value which is a Workspace.permission
	description has a value which is a string
	meta has a value which is a Workspace.usermeta
ws_name is a string
permission is a string
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string
workspace_info is a reference to a list containing 9 items:
	0: (id) a Workspace.ws_id
	1: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
	2: (owner) a Workspace.username
	3: (moddate) a Workspace.timestamp
	4: (max_objid) an int
	5: (user_permission) a Workspace.permission
	6: (globalread) a Workspace.permission
	7: (lockstat) a Workspace.lock_status
	8: (metadata) a Workspace.usermeta
ws_id is an int
username is a string
timestamp is a string
lock_status is a string


Creates a new workspace.


Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.AlterWorkspaceMetadataParams
AlterWorkspaceMetadataParams is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	wsi has a value which is a Workspace.WorkspaceIdentity
	new has a value which is a Workspace.usermeta
	remove has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a string
WorkspaceIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	id has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string


Change the metadata associated with a workspace.


$info = $obj->clone_workspace($params)
Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.CloneWorkspaceParams
$info is a Workspace.workspace_info
CloneWorkspaceParams is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	wsi has a value which is a Workspace.WorkspaceIdentity
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	globalread has a value which is a Workspace.permission
	description has a value which is a string
	meta has a value which is a Workspace.usermeta
	exclude has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectIdentity
WorkspaceIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	id has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
permission is a string
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string
ObjectIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	ver has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ver
	ref has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
obj_name is a string
obj_id is an int
obj_ver is an int
obj_ref is a string
workspace_info is a reference to a list containing 9 items:
	0: (id) a Workspace.ws_id
	1: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
	2: (owner) a Workspace.username
	3: (moddate) a Workspace.timestamp
	4: (max_objid) an int
	5: (user_permission) a Workspace.permission
	6: (globalread) a Workspace.permission
	7: (lockstat) a Workspace.lock_status
	8: (metadata) a Workspace.usermeta
username is a string
timestamp is a string
lock_status is a string


Clones a workspace.


$info = $obj->lock_workspace($wsi)
Parameter and return types
$wsi is a Workspace.WorkspaceIdentity
$info is a Workspace.workspace_info
WorkspaceIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	id has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
workspace_info is a reference to a list containing 9 items:
	0: (id) a Workspace.ws_id
	1: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
	2: (owner) a Workspace.username
	3: (moddate) a Workspace.timestamp
	4: (max_objid) an int
	5: (user_permission) a Workspace.permission
	6: (globalread) a Workspace.permission
	7: (lockstat) a Workspace.lock_status
	8: (metadata) a Workspace.usermeta
username is a string
timestamp is a string
permission is a string
lock_status is a string
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string


Lock a workspace, preventing further changes.

WARNING: Locking a workspace is permanent. A workspace, once locked,
cannot be unlocked.

The only changes allowed for a locked workspace are changing user
based permissions or making a private workspace globally readable,
thus permanently publishing the workspace. A locked, globally readable
workspace cannot be made private.


$metadata = $obj->get_workspacemeta($params)
Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.get_workspacemeta_params
$metadata is a Workspace.workspace_metadata
get_workspacemeta_params is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	id has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	auth has a value which is a string
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
workspace_metadata is a reference to a list containing 7 items:
	0: (id) a Workspace.ws_name
	1: (owner) a Workspace.username
	2: (moddate) a Workspace.timestamp
	3: (objects) an int
	4: (user_permission) a Workspace.permission
	5: (global_permission) a Workspace.permission
	6: (num_id) a Workspace.ws_id
username is a string
timestamp is a string
permission is a string


Retrieves the metadata associated with the specified workspace. Provided for backwards compatibility. @deprecated Workspace.get_workspace_info


$info = $obj->get_workspace_info($wsi)
Parameter and return types
$wsi is a Workspace.WorkspaceIdentity
$info is a Workspace.workspace_info
WorkspaceIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	id has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
workspace_info is a reference to a list containing 9 items:
	0: (id) a Workspace.ws_id
	1: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
	2: (owner) a Workspace.username
	3: (moddate) a Workspace.timestamp
	4: (max_objid) an int
	5: (user_permission) a Workspace.permission
	6: (globalread) a Workspace.permission
	7: (lockstat) a Workspace.lock_status
	8: (metadata) a Workspace.usermeta
username is a string
timestamp is a string
permission is a string
lock_status is a string
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string


Get information associated with a workspace.


$description = $obj->get_workspace_description($wsi)
Parameter and return types
$wsi is a Workspace.WorkspaceIdentity
$description is a string
WorkspaceIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	id has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int


Get a workspace's description.


Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.SetPermissionsParams
SetPermissionsParams is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	id has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	new_permission has a value which is a Workspace.permission
	users has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.username
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
permission is a string
username is a string


Set permissions for a workspace.


Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.SetGlobalPermissionsParams
SetGlobalPermissionsParams is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	id has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	new_permission has a value which is a Workspace.permission
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
permission is a string


Set the global permission for a workspace.


Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.SetWorkspaceDescriptionParams
SetWorkspaceDescriptionParams is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	id has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	description has a value which is a string
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int


Set the description for a workspace.


$perms = $obj->get_permissions_mass($mass)
Parameter and return types
$mass is a Workspace.GetPermissionsMassParams
$perms is a Workspace.WorkspacePermissions
GetPermissionsMassParams is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspaces has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.WorkspaceIdentity
WorkspaceIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	id has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
WorkspacePermissions is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	perms has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a reference to a hash where the key is a Workspace.username and the value is a Workspace.permission
username is a string
permission is a string


Get permissions for multiple workspaces.


$perms = $obj->get_permissions($wsi)
Parameter and return types
$wsi is a Workspace.WorkspaceIdentity
$perms is a reference to a hash where the key is a Workspace.username and the value is a Workspace.permission
WorkspaceIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	id has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
username is a string
permission is a string


Get permissions for a workspace. @deprecated get_permissions_mass


$metadata = $obj->save_object($params)
Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.save_object_params
$metadata is a Workspace.object_metadata
save_object_params is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	id has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	type has a value which is a Workspace.type_string
	data has a value which is an UnspecifiedObject, which can hold any non-null object
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	metadata has a value which is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string
	auth has a value which is a string
obj_name is a string
type_string is a string
ws_name is a string
object_metadata is a reference to a list containing 12 items:
	0: (id) a Workspace.obj_name
	1: (type) a Workspace.type_string
	2: (moddate) a Workspace.timestamp
	3: (instance) an int
	4: (command) a string
	5: (lastmodifier) a Workspace.username
	6: (owner) a Workspace.username
	7: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
	8: (ref) a string
	9: (chsum) a string
	10: (metadata) a Workspace.usermeta
	11: (objid) a Workspace.obj_id
timestamp is a string
username is a string
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string
obj_id is an int


Saves the input object data and metadata into the selected workspace, returning the object_metadata of the saved object. Provided for backwards compatibility.

@deprecated Workspace.save_objects


$info = $obj->save_objects($params)
Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.SaveObjectsParams
$info is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.object_info
SaveObjectsParams is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	id has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	objects has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectSaveData
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
ObjectSaveData is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	type has a value which is a Workspace.type_string
	data has a value which is an UnspecifiedObject, which can hold any non-null object
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	meta has a value which is a Workspace.usermeta
	provenance has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ProvenanceAction
	hidden has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
type_string is a string
obj_name is a string
obj_id is an int
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string
ProvenanceAction is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	time has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
	epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
	caller has a value which is a string
	service has a value which is a string
	service_ver has a value which is a string
	method has a value which is a string
	method_params has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is an UnspecifiedObject, which can hold any non-null object
	script has a value which is a string
	script_ver has a value which is a string
	script_command_line has a value which is a string
	input_ws_objects has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ref_string
	resolved_ws_objects has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
	intermediate_incoming has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a string
	intermediate_outgoing has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a string
	external_data has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ExternalDataUnit
	subactions has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.SubAction
	custom has a value which is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string
	description has a value which is a string
timestamp is a string
epoch is an int
ref_string is a string
obj_ref is a string
ExternalDataUnit is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	resource_name has a value which is a string
	resource_url has a value which is a string
	resource_version has a value which is a string
	resource_release_date has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
	resource_release_epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
	data_url has a value which is a string
	data_id has a value which is a string
	description has a value which is a string
SubAction is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	name has a value which is a string
	ver has a value which is a string
	code_url has a value which is a string
	commit has a value which is a string
	endpoint_url has a value which is a string
boolean is an int
object_info is a reference to a list containing 11 items:
	0: (objid) a Workspace.obj_id
	1: (name) a Workspace.obj_name
	2: (type) a Workspace.type_string
	3: (save_date) a Workspace.timestamp
	4: (version) an int
	5: (saved_by) a Workspace.username
	6: (wsid) a Workspace.ws_id
	7: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
	8: (chsum) a string
	9: (size) an int
	10: (meta) a Workspace.usermeta
username is a string


Save objects to the workspace. Saving over a deleted object undeletes it.


$output = $obj->get_object($params)
Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.get_object_params
$output is a Workspace.get_object_output
get_object_params is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	id has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	instance has a value which is an int
	auth has a value which is a string
obj_name is a string
ws_name is a string
get_object_output is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	data has a value which is an UnspecifiedObject, which can hold any non-null object
	metadata has a value which is a Workspace.object_metadata
object_metadata is a reference to a list containing 12 items:
	0: (id) a Workspace.obj_name
	1: (type) a Workspace.type_string
	2: (moddate) a Workspace.timestamp
	3: (instance) an int
	4: (command) a string
	5: (lastmodifier) a Workspace.username
	6: (owner) a Workspace.username
	7: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
	8: (ref) a string
	9: (chsum) a string
	10: (metadata) a Workspace.usermeta
	11: (objid) a Workspace.obj_id
type_string is a string
timestamp is a string
username is a string
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string
obj_id is an int


Retrieves the specified object from the specified workspace. Both the object data and metadata are returned. Provided for backwards compatibility.

@deprecated Workspace.get_objects


$data = $obj->get_object_provenance($object_ids)
Parameter and return types
$object_ids is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectIdentity
$data is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectProvenanceInfo
ObjectIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	ver has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ver
	ref has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
obj_name is a string
obj_id is an int
obj_ver is an int
obj_ref is a string
ObjectProvenanceInfo is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	info has a value which is a Workspace.object_info
	provenance has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ProvenanceAction
	creator has a value which is a Workspace.username
	orig_wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	created has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
	epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
	refs has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
	copied has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
	copy_source_inaccessible has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	extracted_ids has a value which is a reference to a hash where the key is a Workspace.id_type and the value is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.extracted_id
	handle_error has a value which is a string
	handle_stacktrace has a value which is a string
object_info is a reference to a list containing 11 items:
	0: (objid) a Workspace.obj_id
	1: (name) a Workspace.obj_name
	2: (type) a Workspace.type_string
	3: (save_date) a Workspace.timestamp
	4: (version) an int
	5: (saved_by) a Workspace.username
	6: (wsid) a Workspace.ws_id
	7: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
	8: (chsum) a string
	9: (size) an int
	10: (meta) a Workspace.usermeta
type_string is a string
timestamp is a string
username is a string
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string
ProvenanceAction is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	time has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
	epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
	caller has a value which is a string
	service has a value which is a string
	service_ver has a value which is a string
	method has a value which is a string
	method_params has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is an UnspecifiedObject, which can hold any non-null object
	script has a value which is a string
	script_ver has a value which is a string
	script_command_line has a value which is a string
	input_ws_objects has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ref_string
	resolved_ws_objects has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
	intermediate_incoming has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a string
	intermediate_outgoing has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a string
	external_data has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ExternalDataUnit
	subactions has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.SubAction
	custom has a value which is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string
	description has a value which is a string
epoch is an int
ref_string is a string
ExternalDataUnit is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	resource_name has a value which is a string
	resource_url has a value which is a string
	resource_version has a value which is a string
	resource_release_date has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
	resource_release_epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
	data_url has a value which is a string
	data_id has a value which is a string
	description has a value which is a string
SubAction is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	name has a value which is a string
	ver has a value which is a string
	code_url has a value which is a string
	commit has a value which is a string
	endpoint_url has a value which is a string
boolean is an int
id_type is a string
extracted_id is a string


DEPRECATED Get object provenance from the workspace.

@deprecated Workspace.get_objects2


$data = $obj->get_objects($object_ids)
Parameter and return types
$object_ids is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectIdentity
$data is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectData
ObjectIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	ver has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ver
	ref has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
obj_name is a string
obj_id is an int
obj_ver is an int
obj_ref is a string
ObjectData is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	data has a value which is an UnspecifiedObject, which can hold any non-null object
	info has a value which is a Workspace.object_info
	infostruct has a value which is a Workspace.ObjectInfo
	path has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
	provenance has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ProvenanceAction
	creator has a value which is a Workspace.username
	orig_wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	created has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
	epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
	refs has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
	copied has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
	copy_source_inaccessible has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	extracted_ids has a value which is a reference to a hash where the key is a Workspace.id_type and the value is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.extracted_id
	handle_error has a value which is a string
	handle_stacktrace has a value which is a string
object_info is a reference to a list containing 11 items:
	0: (objid) a Workspace.obj_id
	1: (name) a Workspace.obj_name
	2: (type) a Workspace.type_string
	3: (save_date) a Workspace.timestamp
	4: (version) an int
	5: (saved_by) a Workspace.username
	6: (wsid) a Workspace.ws_id
	7: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
	8: (chsum) a string
	9: (size) an int
	10: (meta) a Workspace.usermeta
type_string is a string
timestamp is a string
username is a string
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string
ObjectInfo is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	type has a value which is a Workspace.type_string
	save_date has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
	version has a value which is an int
	saved_by has a value which is a Workspace.username
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	chsum has a value which is a string
	size has a value which is an int
	meta has a value which is a Workspace.usermeta
	adminmeta has a value which is a Workspace.usermeta
	path has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
ProvenanceAction is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	time has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
	epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
	caller has a value which is a string
	service has a value which is a string
	service_ver has a value which is a string
	method has a value which is a string
	method_params has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is an UnspecifiedObject, which can hold any non-null object
	script has a value which is a string
	script_ver has a value which is a string
	script_command_line has a value which is a string
	input_ws_objects has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ref_string
	resolved_ws_objects has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
	intermediate_incoming has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a string
	intermediate_outgoing has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a string
	external_data has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ExternalDataUnit
	subactions has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.SubAction
	custom has a value which is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string
	description has a value which is a string
epoch is an int
ref_string is a string
ExternalDataUnit is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	resource_name has a value which is a string
	resource_url has a value which is a string
	resource_version has a value which is a string
	resource_release_date has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
	resource_release_epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
	data_url has a value which is a string
	data_id has a value which is a string
	description has a value which is a string
SubAction is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	name has a value which is a string
	ver has a value which is a string
	code_url has a value which is a string
	commit has a value which is a string
	endpoint_url has a value which is a string
boolean is an int
id_type is a string
extracted_id is a string


DEPRECATED Get objects from the workspace. @deprecated Workspace.get_objects2


$results = $obj->get_objects2($params)
Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.GetObjects2Params
$results is a Workspace.GetObjects2Results
GetObjects2Params is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	objects has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectSpecification
	ignoreErrors has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	infostruct has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	no_data has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	skip_external_system_updates has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	batch_external_system_updates has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
ObjectSpecification is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	ver has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ver
	ref has a value which is a Workspace.ref_string
	obj_path has a value which is a Workspace.ref_chain
	obj_ref_path has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
	to_obj_path has a value which is a Workspace.ref_chain
	to_obj_ref_path has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
	find_reference_path has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	included has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.object_path
	strict_maps has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	strict_arrays has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
obj_name is a string
obj_id is an int
obj_ver is an int
ref_string is a string
ref_chain is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectIdentity
ObjectIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	ver has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ver
	ref has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
obj_ref is a string
boolean is an int
object_path is a string
GetObjects2Results is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	data has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectData
ObjectData is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	data has a value which is an UnspecifiedObject, which can hold any non-null object
	info has a value which is a Workspace.object_info
	infostruct has a value which is a Workspace.ObjectInfo
	path has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
	provenance has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ProvenanceAction
	creator has a value which is a Workspace.username
	orig_wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	created has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
	epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
	refs has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
	copied has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
	copy_source_inaccessible has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	extracted_ids has a value which is a reference to a hash where the key is a Workspace.id_type and the value is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.extracted_id
	handle_error has a value which is a string
	handle_stacktrace has a value which is a string
object_info is a reference to a list containing 11 items:
	0: (objid) a Workspace.obj_id
	1: (name) a Workspace.obj_name
	2: (type) a Workspace.type_string
	3: (save_date) a Workspace.timestamp
	4: (version) an int
	5: (saved_by) a Workspace.username
	6: (wsid) a Workspace.ws_id
	7: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
	8: (chsum) a string
	9: (size) an int
	10: (meta) a Workspace.usermeta
type_string is a string
timestamp is a string
username is a string
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string
ObjectInfo is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	type has a value which is a Workspace.type_string
	save_date has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
	version has a value which is an int
	saved_by has a value which is a Workspace.username
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	chsum has a value which is a string
	size has a value which is an int
	meta has a value which is a Workspace.usermeta
	adminmeta has a value which is a Workspace.usermeta
	path has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
ProvenanceAction is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	time has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
	epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
	caller has a value which is a string
	service has a value which is a string
	service_ver has a value which is a string
	method has a value which is a string
	method_params has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is an UnspecifiedObject, which can hold any non-null object
	script has a value which is a string
	script_ver has a value which is a string
	script_command_line has a value which is a string
	input_ws_objects has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ref_string
	resolved_ws_objects has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
	intermediate_incoming has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a string
	intermediate_outgoing has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a string
	external_data has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ExternalDataUnit
	subactions has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.SubAction
	custom has a value which is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string
	description has a value which is a string
epoch is an int
ExternalDataUnit is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	resource_name has a value which is a string
	resource_url has a value which is a string
	resource_version has a value which is a string
	resource_release_date has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
	resource_release_epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
	data_url has a value which is a string
	data_id has a value which is a string
	description has a value which is a string
SubAction is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	name has a value which is a string
	ver has a value which is a string
	code_url has a value which is a string
	commit has a value which is a string
	endpoint_url has a value which is a string
id_type is a string
extracted_id is a string


Get objects from the workspace.


$data = $obj->get_object_subset($sub_object_ids)
Parameter and return types
$sub_object_ids is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.SubObjectIdentity
$data is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectData
SubObjectIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	ver has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ver
	ref has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
	included has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.object_path
	strict_maps has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	strict_arrays has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
obj_name is a string
obj_id is an int
obj_ver is an int
obj_ref is a string
object_path is a string
boolean is an int
ObjectData is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	data has a value which is an UnspecifiedObject, which can hold any non-null object
	info has a value which is a Workspace.object_info
	infostruct has a value which is a Workspace.ObjectInfo
	path has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
	provenance has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ProvenanceAction
	creator has a value which is a Workspace.username
	orig_wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	created has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
	epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
	refs has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
	copied has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
	copy_source_inaccessible has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	extracted_ids has a value which is a reference to a hash where the key is a Workspace.id_type and the value is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.extracted_id
	handle_error has a value which is a string
	handle_stacktrace has a value which is a string
object_info is a reference to a list containing 11 items:
	0: (objid) a Workspace.obj_id
	1: (name) a Workspace.obj_name
	2: (type) a Workspace.type_string
	3: (save_date) a Workspace.timestamp
	4: (version) an int
	5: (saved_by) a Workspace.username
	6: (wsid) a Workspace.ws_id
	7: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
	8: (chsum) a string
	9: (size) an int
	10: (meta) a Workspace.usermeta
type_string is a string
timestamp is a string
username is a string
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string
ObjectInfo is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	type has a value which is a Workspace.type_string
	save_date has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
	version has a value which is an int
	saved_by has a value which is a Workspace.username
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	chsum has a value which is a string
	size has a value which is an int
	meta has a value which is a Workspace.usermeta
	adminmeta has a value which is a Workspace.usermeta
	path has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
ProvenanceAction is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	time has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
	epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
	caller has a value which is a string
	service has a value which is a string
	service_ver has a value which is a string
	method has a value which is a string
	method_params has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is an UnspecifiedObject, which can hold any non-null object
	script has a value which is a string
	script_ver has a value which is a string
	script_command_line has a value which is a string
	input_ws_objects has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ref_string
	resolved_ws_objects has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
	intermediate_incoming has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a string
	intermediate_outgoing has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a string
	external_data has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ExternalDataUnit
	subactions has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.SubAction
	custom has a value which is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string
	description has a value which is a string
epoch is an int
ref_string is a string
ExternalDataUnit is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	resource_name has a value which is a string
	resource_url has a value which is a string
	resource_version has a value which is a string
	resource_release_date has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
	resource_release_epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
	data_url has a value which is a string
	data_id has a value which is a string
	description has a value which is a string
SubAction is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	name has a value which is a string
	ver has a value which is a string
	code_url has a value which is a string
	commit has a value which is a string
	endpoint_url has a value which is a string
id_type is a string
extracted_id is a string


DEPRECATED Get portions of objects from the workspace.

When selecting a subset of an array in an object, the returned array is compressed to the size of the subset, but the ordering of the array is maintained. For example, if the array stored at the 'feature' key of a Genome object has 4000 entries, and the object paths provided are: /feature/7 /feature/3015 /feature/700 The returned feature array will be of length three and the entries will consist, in order, of the 7th, 700th, and 3015th entries of the original array. @deprecated Workspace.get_objects2


$history = $obj->get_object_history($object)
Parameter and return types
$object is a Workspace.ObjectIdentity
$history is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.object_info
ObjectIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	ver has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ver
	ref has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
obj_name is a string
obj_id is an int
obj_ver is an int
obj_ref is a string
object_info is a reference to a list containing 11 items:
	0: (objid) a Workspace.obj_id
	1: (name) a Workspace.obj_name
	2: (type) a Workspace.type_string
	3: (save_date) a Workspace.timestamp
	4: (version) an int
	5: (saved_by) a Workspace.username
	6: (wsid) a Workspace.ws_id
	7: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
	8: (chsum) a string
	9: (size) an int
	10: (meta) a Workspace.usermeta
type_string is a string
timestamp is a string
username is a string
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string


Get an object's history. The version argument of the ObjectIdentity is ignored.


$referrers = $obj->list_referencing_objects($object_ids)
Parameter and return types
$object_ids is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectIdentity
$referrers is a reference to a list where each element is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.object_info
ObjectIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	ver has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ver
	ref has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
obj_name is a string
obj_id is an int
obj_ver is an int
obj_ref is a string
object_info is a reference to a list containing 11 items:
	0: (objid) a Workspace.obj_id
	1: (name) a Workspace.obj_name
	2: (type) a Workspace.type_string
	3: (save_date) a Workspace.timestamp
	4: (version) an int
	5: (saved_by) a Workspace.username
	6: (wsid) a Workspace.ws_id
	7: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
	8: (chsum) a string
	9: (size) an int
	10: (meta) a Workspace.usermeta
type_string is a string
timestamp is a string
username is a string
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string


List objects that reference one or more specified objects. References in the deleted state are not returned.


$counts = $obj->list_referencing_object_counts($object_ids)
Parameter and return types
$object_ids is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectIdentity
$counts is a reference to a list where each element is an int
ObjectIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	ver has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ver
	ref has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
obj_name is a string
obj_id is an int
obj_ver is an int
obj_ref is a string



List the number of times objects have been referenced.

This count includes both provenance and object-to-object references and, unlike list_referencing_objects, includes objects that are inaccessible to the user.



$data = $obj->get_referenced_objects($ref_chains)
Parameter and return types
$ref_chains is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ref_chain
$data is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectData
ref_chain is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectIdentity
ObjectIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	ver has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ver
	ref has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
obj_name is a string
obj_id is an int
obj_ver is an int
obj_ref is a string
ObjectData is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	data has a value which is an UnspecifiedObject, which can hold any non-null object
	info has a value which is a Workspace.object_info
	infostruct has a value which is a Workspace.ObjectInfo
	path has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
	provenance has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ProvenanceAction
	creator has a value which is a Workspace.username
	orig_wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	created has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
	epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
	refs has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
	copied has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
	copy_source_inaccessible has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	extracted_ids has a value which is a reference to a hash where the key is a Workspace.id_type and the value is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.extracted_id
	handle_error has a value which is a string
	handle_stacktrace has a value which is a string
object_info is a reference to a list containing 11 items:
	0: (objid) a Workspace.obj_id
	1: (name) a Workspace.obj_name
	2: (type) a Workspace.type_string
	3: (save_date) a Workspace.timestamp
	4: (version) an int
	5: (saved_by) a Workspace.username
	6: (wsid) a Workspace.ws_id
	7: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
	8: (chsum) a string
	9: (size) an int
	10: (meta) a Workspace.usermeta
type_string is a string
timestamp is a string
username is a string
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string
ObjectInfo is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	type has a value which is a Workspace.type_string
	save_date has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
	version has a value which is an int
	saved_by has a value which is a Workspace.username
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	chsum has a value which is a string
	size has a value which is an int
	meta has a value which is a Workspace.usermeta
	adminmeta has a value which is a Workspace.usermeta
	path has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
ProvenanceAction is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	time has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
	epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
	caller has a value which is a string
	service has a value which is a string
	service_ver has a value which is a string
	method has a value which is a string
	method_params has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is an UnspecifiedObject, which can hold any non-null object
	script has a value which is a string
	script_ver has a value which is a string
	script_command_line has a value which is a string
	input_ws_objects has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ref_string
	resolved_ws_objects has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
	intermediate_incoming has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a string
	intermediate_outgoing has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a string
	external_data has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ExternalDataUnit
	subactions has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.SubAction
	custom has a value which is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string
	description has a value which is a string
epoch is an int
ref_string is a string
ExternalDataUnit is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	resource_name has a value which is a string
	resource_url has a value which is a string
	resource_version has a value which is a string
	resource_release_date has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
	resource_release_epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
	data_url has a value which is a string
	data_id has a value which is a string
	description has a value which is a string
SubAction is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	name has a value which is a string
	ver has a value which is a string
	code_url has a value which is a string
	commit has a value which is a string
	endpoint_url has a value which is a string
boolean is an int
id_type is a string
extracted_id is a string



Get objects by references from other objects.

NOTE: In the vast majority of cases, this method is not necessary and
get_objects should be used instead.

get_referenced_objects guarantees that a user that has access to an
object can always see a) objects that are referenced inside the object
and b) objects that are referenced in the object's provenance. This
ensures that the user has visibility into the entire provenance of the
object and the object's object dependencies (e.g. references).

The user must have at least read access to the first object in each
reference chain, but need not have access to any further objects in
the chain, and those objects may be deleted.

@deprecated Workspace.get_objects2


$workspaces = $obj->list_workspaces($params)
Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.list_workspaces_params
$workspaces is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.workspace_metadata
list_workspaces_params is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	auth has a value which is a string
	excludeGlobal has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
boolean is an int
workspace_metadata is a reference to a list containing 7 items:
	0: (id) a Workspace.ws_name
	1: (owner) a Workspace.username
	2: (moddate) a Workspace.timestamp
	3: (objects) an int
	4: (user_permission) a Workspace.permission
	5: (global_permission) a Workspace.permission
	6: (num_id) a Workspace.ws_id
ws_name is a string
username is a string
timestamp is a string
permission is a string
ws_id is an int


Lists the metadata of all workspaces a user has access to. Provided for backwards compatibility - to be replaced by the functionality of list_workspace_info

@deprecated Workspace.list_workspace_info


$wsinfo = $obj->list_workspace_info($params)
Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.ListWorkspaceInfoParams
$wsinfo is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.workspace_info
ListWorkspaceInfoParams is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	perm has a value which is a Workspace.permission
	owners has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.username
	meta has a value which is a Workspace.usermeta
	after has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
	before has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
	after_epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
	before_epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
	excludeGlobal has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	showDeleted has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	showOnlyDeleted has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
permission is a string
username is a string
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string
timestamp is a string
epoch is an int
boolean is an int
workspace_info is a reference to a list containing 9 items:
	0: (id) a Workspace.ws_id
	1: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
	2: (owner) a Workspace.username
	3: (moddate) a Workspace.timestamp
	4: (max_objid) an int
	5: (user_permission) a Workspace.permission
	6: (globalread) a Workspace.permission
	7: (lockstat) a Workspace.lock_status
	8: (metadata) a Workspace.usermeta
ws_id is an int
ws_name is a string
lock_status is a string


List workspaces viewable by the user.


$results = $obj->list_workspace_ids($params)
Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.ListWorkspaceIDsParams
$results is a Workspace.ListWorkspaceIDsResults
ListWorkspaceIDsParams is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	perm has a value which is a Workspace.permission
	excludeGlobal has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	onlyGlobal has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
permission is a string
boolean is an int
ListWorkspaceIDsResults is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspaces has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is an int
	pub has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is an int


List workspace IDs to which the user has access.

This function returns a subset of the information in the list_workspace_info method and should be substantially faster.


$objects = $obj->list_workspace_objects($params)
Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.list_workspace_objects_params
$objects is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.object_metadata
list_workspace_objects_params is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	type has a value which is a Workspace.type_string
	showDeletedObject has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	auth has a value which is a string
ws_name is a string
type_string is a string
boolean is an int
object_metadata is a reference to a list containing 12 items:
	0: (id) a Workspace.obj_name
	1: (type) a Workspace.type_string
	2: (moddate) a Workspace.timestamp
	3: (instance) an int
	4: (command) a string
	5: (lastmodifier) a Workspace.username
	6: (owner) a Workspace.username
	7: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
	8: (ref) a string
	9: (chsum) a string
	10: (metadata) a Workspace.usermeta
	11: (objid) a Workspace.obj_id
obj_name is a string
timestamp is a string
username is a string
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string
obj_id is an int


Lists the metadata of all objects in the specified workspace with the specified type (or with any type). Provided for backwards compatibility.

@deprecated Workspace.list_objects


$objinfo = $obj->list_objects($params)
Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.ListObjectsParams
$objinfo is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.object_info
ListObjectsParams is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspaces has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ws_name
	ids has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ws_id
	type has a value which is a Workspace.type_string
	perm has a value which is a Workspace.permission
	savedby has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.username
	meta has a value which is a Workspace.usermeta
	after has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
	before has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
	after_epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
	before_epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
	startafter has a value which is a string
	minObjectID has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	maxObjectID has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	showDeleted has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	showOnlyDeleted has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	showHidden has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	showAllVersions has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	includeMetadata has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	excludeGlobal has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	limit has a value which is an int
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
type_string is a string
permission is a string
username is a string
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string
timestamp is a string
epoch is an int
obj_id is an int
boolean is an int
object_info is a reference to a list containing 11 items:
	0: (objid) a Workspace.obj_id
	1: (name) a Workspace.obj_name
	2: (type) a Workspace.type_string
	3: (save_date) a Workspace.timestamp
	4: (version) an int
	5: (saved_by) a Workspace.username
	6: (wsid) a Workspace.ws_id
	7: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
	8: (chsum) a string
	9: (size) an int
	10: (meta) a Workspace.usermeta
obj_name is a string


List objects in one or more workspaces.


$metadata = $obj->get_objectmeta($params)
Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.get_objectmeta_params
$metadata is a Workspace.object_metadata
get_objectmeta_params is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	id has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	instance has a value which is an int
	auth has a value which is a string
obj_name is a string
ws_name is a string
object_metadata is a reference to a list containing 12 items:
	0: (id) a Workspace.obj_name
	1: (type) a Workspace.type_string
	2: (moddate) a Workspace.timestamp
	3: (instance) an int
	4: (command) a string
	5: (lastmodifier) a Workspace.username
	6: (owner) a Workspace.username
	7: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
	8: (ref) a string
	9: (chsum) a string
	10: (metadata) a Workspace.usermeta
	11: (objid) a Workspace.obj_id
type_string is a string
timestamp is a string
username is a string
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string
obj_id is an int


Retrieves the metadata for a specified object from the specified workspace. Provides access to metadata for all versions of the object via the instance parameter. Provided for backwards compatibility.

@deprecated Workspace.get_object_info3


$info = $obj->get_object_info($object_ids, $includeMetadata)
Parameter and return types
$object_ids is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectIdentity
$includeMetadata is a Workspace.boolean
$info is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.object_info
ObjectIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	ver has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ver
	ref has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
obj_name is a string
obj_id is an int
obj_ver is an int
obj_ref is a string
boolean is an int
object_info is a reference to a list containing 11 items:
	0: (objid) a Workspace.obj_id
	1: (name) a Workspace.obj_name
	2: (type) a Workspace.type_string
	3: (save_date) a Workspace.timestamp
	4: (version) an int
	5: (saved_by) a Workspace.username
	6: (wsid) a Workspace.ws_id
	7: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
	8: (chsum) a string
	9: (size) an int
	10: (meta) a Workspace.usermeta
type_string is a string
timestamp is a string
username is a string
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string


Get information about objects from the workspace.

Set includeMetadata true to include the user specified metadata. Otherwise the metadata in the object_info will be null.

This method will be replaced by the behavior of get_object_info_new in the future.

@deprecated Workspace.get_object_info3


$info = $obj->get_object_info_new($params)
Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.GetObjectInfoNewParams
$info is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.object_info
GetObjectInfoNewParams is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	objects has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectSpecification
	includeMetadata has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	ignoreErrors has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
ObjectSpecification is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	ver has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ver
	ref has a value which is a Workspace.ref_string
	obj_path has a value which is a Workspace.ref_chain
	obj_ref_path has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
	to_obj_path has a value which is a Workspace.ref_chain
	to_obj_ref_path has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
	find_reference_path has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	included has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.object_path
	strict_maps has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	strict_arrays has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
obj_name is a string
obj_id is an int
obj_ver is an int
ref_string is a string
ref_chain is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectIdentity
ObjectIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	ver has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ver
	ref has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
obj_ref is a string
boolean is an int
object_path is a string
object_info is a reference to a list containing 11 items:
	0: (objid) a Workspace.obj_id
	1: (name) a Workspace.obj_name
	2: (type) a Workspace.type_string
	3: (save_date) a Workspace.timestamp
	4: (version) an int
	5: (saved_by) a Workspace.username
	6: (wsid) a Workspace.ws_id
	7: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
	8: (chsum) a string
	9: (size) an int
	10: (meta) a Workspace.usermeta
type_string is a string
timestamp is a string
username is a string
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string


Get information about objects from the workspace.

@deprecated Workspace.get_object_info3


$results = $obj->get_object_info3($params)
Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.GetObjectInfo3Params
$results is a Workspace.GetObjectInfo3Results
GetObjectInfo3Params is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	objects has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectSpecification
	infostruct has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	includeMetadata has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	ignoreErrors has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
ObjectSpecification is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	ver has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ver
	ref has a value which is a Workspace.ref_string
	obj_path has a value which is a Workspace.ref_chain
	obj_ref_path has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
	to_obj_path has a value which is a Workspace.ref_chain
	to_obj_ref_path has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
	find_reference_path has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	included has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.object_path
	strict_maps has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	strict_arrays has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
obj_name is a string
obj_id is an int
obj_ver is an int
ref_string is a string
ref_chain is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectIdentity
ObjectIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	ver has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ver
	ref has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
obj_ref is a string
boolean is an int
object_path is a string
GetObjectInfo3Results is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	infos has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.object_info
	paths has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
	infostructs has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectInfo
object_info is a reference to a list containing 11 items:
	0: (objid) a Workspace.obj_id
	1: (name) a Workspace.obj_name
	2: (type) a Workspace.type_string
	3: (save_date) a Workspace.timestamp
	4: (version) an int
	5: (saved_by) a Workspace.username
	6: (wsid) a Workspace.ws_id
	7: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
	8: (chsum) a string
	9: (size) an int
	10: (meta) a Workspace.usermeta
type_string is a string
timestamp is a string
username is a string
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string
ObjectInfo is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	type has a value which is a Workspace.type_string
	save_date has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
	version has a value which is an int
	saved_by has a value which is a Workspace.username
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	chsum has a value which is a string
	size has a value which is an int
	meta has a value which is a Workspace.usermeta
	adminmeta has a value which is a Workspace.usermeta
	path has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref



$renamed = $obj->rename_workspace($params)
Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.RenameWorkspaceParams
$renamed is a Workspace.workspace_info
RenameWorkspaceParams is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	wsi has a value which is a Workspace.WorkspaceIdentity
	new_name has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
WorkspaceIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	id has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
workspace_info is a reference to a list containing 9 items:
	0: (id) a Workspace.ws_id
	1: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
	2: (owner) a Workspace.username
	3: (moddate) a Workspace.timestamp
	4: (max_objid) an int
	5: (user_permission) a Workspace.permission
	6: (globalread) a Workspace.permission
	7: (lockstat) a Workspace.lock_status
	8: (metadata) a Workspace.usermeta
username is a string
timestamp is a string
permission is a string
lock_status is a string
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string


Rename a workspace.


$renamed = $obj->rename_object($params)
Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.RenameObjectParams
$renamed is a Workspace.object_info
RenameObjectParams is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	obj has a value which is a Workspace.ObjectIdentity
	new_name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
ObjectIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	ver has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ver
	ref has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
obj_name is a string
obj_id is an int
obj_ver is an int
obj_ref is a string
object_info is a reference to a list containing 11 items:
	0: (objid) a Workspace.obj_id
	1: (name) a Workspace.obj_name
	2: (type) a Workspace.type_string
	3: (save_date) a Workspace.timestamp
	4: (version) an int
	5: (saved_by) a Workspace.username
	6: (wsid) a Workspace.ws_id
	7: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
	8: (chsum) a string
	9: (size) an int
	10: (meta) a Workspace.usermeta
type_string is a string
timestamp is a string
username is a string
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string


Rename an object. User meta data is always returned as null.


$copied = $obj->copy_object($params)
Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.CopyObjectParams
$copied is a Workspace.object_info
CopyObjectParams is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	from has a value which is a Workspace.ObjectIdentity
	to has a value which is a Workspace.ObjectIdentity
ObjectIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	ver has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ver
	ref has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
obj_name is a string
obj_id is an int
obj_ver is an int
obj_ref is a string
object_info is a reference to a list containing 11 items:
	0: (objid) a Workspace.obj_id
	1: (name) a Workspace.obj_name
	2: (type) a Workspace.type_string
	3: (save_date) a Workspace.timestamp
	4: (version) an int
	5: (saved_by) a Workspace.username
	6: (wsid) a Workspace.ws_id
	7: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
	8: (chsum) a string
	9: (size) an int
	10: (meta) a Workspace.usermeta
type_string is a string
timestamp is a string
username is a string
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string


Copy an object. Returns the object_info for the newest version.


$reverted = $obj->revert_object($object)
Parameter and return types
$object is a Workspace.ObjectIdentity
$reverted is a Workspace.object_info
ObjectIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	ver has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ver
	ref has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
obj_name is a string
obj_id is an int
obj_ver is an int
obj_ref is a string
object_info is a reference to a list containing 11 items:
	0: (objid) a Workspace.obj_id
	1: (name) a Workspace.obj_name
	2: (type) a Workspace.type_string
	3: (save_date) a Workspace.timestamp
	4: (version) an int
	5: (saved_by) a Workspace.username
	6: (wsid) a Workspace.ws_id
	7: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
	8: (chsum) a string
	9: (size) an int
	10: (meta) a Workspace.usermeta
type_string is a string
timestamp is a string
username is a string
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string


Revert an object.

The object specified in the ObjectIdentity is reverted to the version
specified in the ObjectIdentity.


$res = $obj->get_names_by_prefix($params)
Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.GetNamesByPrefixParams
$res is a Workspace.GetNamesByPrefixResults
GetNamesByPrefixParams is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspaces has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.WorkspaceIdentity
	prefix has a value which is a string
	includeHidden has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
WorkspaceIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	id has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
boolean is an int
GetNamesByPrefixResults is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	names has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_name
obj_name is a string


Get object names matching a prefix. At most 1000 names are returned. No particular ordering is guaranteed, nor is which names will be returned if more than 1000 are found.

This function is intended for use as an autocomplete helper function.


Parameter and return types
$object_ids is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectIdentity
ObjectIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	ver has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ver
	ref has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
obj_name is a string
obj_id is an int
obj_ver is an int
obj_ref is a string


Hide objects. All versions of an object are hidden, regardless of the version specified in the ObjectIdentity. Hidden objects do not appear in the list_objects method.


Parameter and return types
$object_ids is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectIdentity
ObjectIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	ver has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ver
	ref has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
obj_name is a string
obj_id is an int
obj_ver is an int
obj_ref is a string


Unhide objects. All versions of an object are unhidden, regardless of the version specified in the ObjectIdentity.


Parameter and return types
$object_ids is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectIdentity
ObjectIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	ver has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ver
	ref has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
obj_name is a string
obj_id is an int
obj_ver is an int
obj_ref is a string


Delete objects. All versions of an object are deleted, regardless of the version specified in the ObjectIdentity.


Parameter and return types
$object_ids is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectIdentity
ObjectIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	ver has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ver
	ref has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
obj_name is a string
obj_id is an int
obj_ver is an int
obj_ref is a string


Undelete objects. All versions of an object are undeleted, regardless of the version specified in the ObjectIdentity. If an object is not deleted, no error is thrown.


Parameter and return types
$wsi is a Workspace.WorkspaceIdentity
WorkspaceIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	id has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int


Delete a workspace. All objects contained in the workspace are deleted.


Parameter and return types
$mod is a Workspace.modulename
modulename is a string


Request ownership of a module name. A Workspace administrator must approve the request.


$return = $obj->register_typespec($params)
Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.RegisterTypespecParams
$return is a reference to a hash where the key is a Workspace.type_string and the value is a Workspace.jsonschema
RegisterTypespecParams is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	spec has a value which is a Workspace.typespec
	mod has a value which is a Workspace.modulename
	new_types has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.typename
	remove_types has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.typename
	dependencies has a value which is a reference to a hash where the key is a Workspace.modulename and the value is a Workspace.spec_version
	dryrun has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
	prev_ver has a value which is a Workspace.spec_version
typespec is a string
modulename is a string
typename is a string
spec_version is an int
boolean is an int
type_string is a string
jsonschema is a string


Register a new typespec or recompile a previously registered typespec with new options. See the documentation of RegisterTypespecParams for more details. Also see the release_types function.


$new_local_version = $obj->register_typespec_copy($params)
Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.RegisterTypespecCopyParams
$new_local_version is a Workspace.spec_version
RegisterTypespecCopyParams is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	external_workspace_url has a value which is a string
	mod has a value which is a Workspace.modulename
	version has a value which is a Workspace.spec_version
modulename is a string
spec_version is an int


Register a copy of new typespec or refresh an existing typespec which is loaded from another workspace for synchronization. Method returns new version of module in current workspace.

Also see the release_types function.


$types = $obj->release_module($mod)
Parameter and return types
$mod is a Workspace.modulename
$types is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.type_string
modulename is a string
type_string is a string


Release a module for general use of its types.

Releases the most recent version of a module. Releasing a module does
two things to the module's types:
1) If a type's major version is 0, it is changed to 1. A major
        version of 0 implies that the type is in development and may have
        backwards incompatible changes from minor version to minor version.
        Once a type is released, backwards incompatible changes always
        cause a major version increment.
2) This version of the type becomes the default version, and if a
        specific version is not supplied in a function call, this version
        will be used. This means that newer, unreleased versions of the
        type may be skipped.


$modules = $obj->list_modules($params)
Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.ListModulesParams
$modules is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.modulename
ListModulesParams is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	owner has a value which is a Workspace.username
username is a string
modulename is a string


List typespec modules.


$vers = $obj->list_module_versions($params)
Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.ListModuleVersionsParams
$vers is a Workspace.ModuleVersions
ListModuleVersionsParams is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	mod has a value which is a Workspace.modulename
	type has a value which is a Workspace.type_string
modulename is a string
type_string is a string
ModuleVersions is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	mod has a value which is a Workspace.modulename
	vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.spec_version
	released_vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.spec_version
spec_version is an int


List typespec module versions.


$info = $obj->get_module_info($params)
Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.GetModuleInfoParams
$info is a Workspace.ModuleInfo
GetModuleInfoParams is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	mod has a value which is a Workspace.modulename
	ver has a value which is a Workspace.spec_version
modulename is a string
spec_version is an int
ModuleInfo is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	owners has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.username
	ver has a value which is a Workspace.spec_version
	spec has a value which is a Workspace.typespec
	description has a value which is a string
	types has a value which is a reference to a hash where the key is a Workspace.type_string and the value is a Workspace.jsonschema
	included_spec_version has a value which is a reference to a hash where the key is a Workspace.modulename and the value is a Workspace.spec_version
	chsum has a value which is a string
	functions has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.func_string
	is_released has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
username is a string
typespec is a string
type_string is a string
jsonschema is a string
func_string is a string
boolean is an int



$schema = $obj->get_jsonschema($type)
Parameter and return types
$type is a Workspace.type_string
$schema is a Workspace.jsonschema
type_string is a string
jsonschema is a string


Get JSON schema for a type.


$sem_types = $obj->translate_from_MD5_types($md5_types)
Parameter and return types
$md5_types is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.type_string
$sem_types is a reference to a hash where the key is a Workspace.type_string and the value is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.type_string
type_string is a string


Translation from types qualified with MD5 to their semantic versions


$md5_types = $obj->translate_to_MD5_types($sem_types)
Parameter and return types
$sem_types is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.type_string
$md5_types is a reference to a hash where the key is a Workspace.type_string and the value is a Workspace.type_string
type_string is a string


Translation from types qualified with semantic versions to their MD5'ed versions


$info = $obj->get_type_info($type)
Parameter and return types
$type is a Workspace.type_string
$info is a Workspace.TypeInfo
type_string is a string
TypeInfo is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	type_def has a value which is a Workspace.type_string
	description has a value which is a string
	spec_def has a value which is a string
	json_schema has a value which is a Workspace.jsonschema
	parsing_structure has a value which is a string
	module_vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.spec_version
	released_module_vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.spec_version
	type_vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.type_string
	released_type_vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.type_string
	using_func_defs has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.func_string
	using_type_defs has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.type_string
	used_type_defs has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.type_string
jsonschema is a string
spec_version is an int
func_string is a string



$return = $obj->get_all_type_info($mod)
Parameter and return types
$mod is a Workspace.modulename
$return is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.TypeInfo
modulename is a string
TypeInfo is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	type_def has a value which is a Workspace.type_string
	description has a value which is a string
	spec_def has a value which is a string
	json_schema has a value which is a Workspace.jsonschema
	parsing_structure has a value which is a string
	module_vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.spec_version
	released_module_vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.spec_version
	type_vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.type_string
	released_type_vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.type_string
	using_func_defs has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.func_string
	using_type_defs has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.type_string
	used_type_defs has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.type_string
type_string is a string
jsonschema is a string
spec_version is an int
func_string is a string



$info = $obj->get_func_info($func)
Parameter and return types
$func is a Workspace.func_string
$info is a Workspace.FuncInfo
func_string is a string
FuncInfo is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	func_def has a value which is a Workspace.func_string
	description has a value which is a string
	spec_def has a value which is a string
	parsing_structure has a value which is a string
	module_vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.spec_version
	released_module_vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.spec_version
	func_vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.func_string
	released_func_vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.func_string
	used_type_defs has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.type_string
spec_version is an int
type_string is a string




$info = $obj->get_all_func_info($mod)
Parameter and return types
$mod is a Workspace.modulename
$info is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.FuncInfo
modulename is a string
FuncInfo is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	func_def has a value which is a Workspace.func_string
	description has a value which is a string
	spec_def has a value which is a string
	parsing_structure has a value which is a string
	module_vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.spec_version
	released_module_vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.spec_version
	func_vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.func_string
	released_func_vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.func_string
	used_type_defs has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.type_string
func_string is a string
spec_version is an int
type_string is a string




Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.GrantModuleOwnershipParams
GrantModuleOwnershipParams is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	mod has a value which is a Workspace.modulename
	new_owner has a value which is a Workspace.username
	with_grant_option has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
modulename is a string
username is a string
boolean is an int


Grant ownership of a module. You must have grant ability on the module.


Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.RemoveModuleOwnershipParams
RemoveModuleOwnershipParams is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	mod has a value which is a Workspace.modulename
	old_owner has a value which is a Workspace.username
modulename is a string
username is a string


Remove ownership from a current owner. You must have the grant ability on the module.


$return = $obj->list_all_types($params)
Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.ListAllTypesParams
$return is a reference to a hash where the key is a Workspace.modulename and the value is a reference to a hash where the key is a Workspace.typename and the value is a Workspace.typever
ListAllTypesParams is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	with_empty_modules has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
boolean is an int
modulename is a string
typename is a string
typever is a string


List all released types with released version from all modules. Return mapping from module name to mapping from type name to released type version.


$results = $obj->get_admin_role()
Parameter and return types
$results is a Workspace.GetAdminRoleResults
GetAdminRoleResults is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	adminrole has a value which is a string


Get the administrative role for the current user.


Parameter and return types
$params is a Workspace.AlterAdminObjectMetadataParams
AlterAdminObjectMetadataParams is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	updates has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectMetadataUpdate
ObjectMetadataUpdate is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	oi has a value which is a Workspace.ObjectIdentity
	new has a value which is a Workspace.usermeta
	remove has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a string
ObjectIdentity is a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
	workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
	wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
	name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
	objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
	ver has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ver
	ref has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
ws_name is a string
ws_id is an int
obj_name is a string
obj_id is an int
obj_ver is an int
obj_ref is a string
usermeta is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string


Update admin metadata for an object. The user must have full workspace service administration privileges.


$response = $obj->administer($command)
Parameter and return types
$command is an UnspecifiedObject, which can hold any non-null object
$response is an UnspecifiedObject, which can hold any non-null object


The administration interface.




A boolean. 0 = false, other = true.

an int



The unique, permanent numerical ID of a workspace.

an int



A string used as a name for a workspace. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and "_", ".", or "-" that is not an integer is acceptable. The name may optionally be prefixed with the workspace owner's user name and a colon, e.g. kbasetest:my_workspace.

a string



Represents the permissions a user or users have to a workspace:

'a' - administrator. All operations allowed.
'w' - read/write.
'r' - read.
'n' - no permissions.
a string



Login name of a KBase user account.

a string



A time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, where Z is either the character Z (representing the UTC timezone) or the difference in time to UTC in the format +/-HHMM, eg: 2012-12-17T23:24:06-0500 (EST time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32+0000 (UTC time) 2013-04-03T08:56:32Z (UTC time)

a string



A Unix epoch (the time since 00:00:00 1/1/1970 UTC) in milliseconds.

an int



A type string. Specifies the type and its version in a single string in the format [module].[typename]-[major].[minor]:

module - a string. The module name of the typespec containing the type. typename - a string. The name of the type as assigned by the typedef statement. major - an integer. The major version of the type. A change in the major version implies the type has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the type. A change in the minor version implies that the type has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous type definitions.

In many cases, the major and minor versions are optional, and if not provided the most recent version will be used.

Example: MyModule.MyType-3.1

a string



An id type (e.g. from a typespec @id annotation: @id [idtype])

a string



An id extracted from an object.

a string



User provided metadata about an object. Arbitrary key-value pairs provided by the user.

a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string



The lock status of a workspace. One of 'unlocked', 'locked', or 'published'.

a string



A workspace identifier.

Select a workspace by one, and only one, of the numerical id or name.
ws_id id - the numerical ID of the workspace.
ws_name workspace - the name of the workspace.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
id has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id



Meta data associated with a workspace. Provided for backwards compatibility. To be replaced by workspace_info.

ws_name id - name of the workspace username owner - name of the user who owns (who created) this workspace timestamp moddate - date when the workspace was last modified int objects - the approximate number of objects currently stored in the workspace. permission user_permission - permissions for the currently logged in user for the workspace permission global_permission - default permissions for the workspace for all KBase users ws_id num_id - numerical ID of the workspace

@deprecated Workspace.workspace_info

a reference to a list containing 7 items:
0: (id) a Workspace.ws_name
1: (owner) a Workspace.username
2: (moddate) a Workspace.timestamp
3: (objects) an int
4: (user_permission) a Workspace.permission
5: (global_permission) a Workspace.permission
6: (num_id) a Workspace.ws_id



Information about a workspace.

ws_id id - the numerical ID of the workspace.
ws_name workspace - name of the workspace.
username owner - name of the user who owns (e.g. created) this workspace.
timestamp moddate - date when the workspace was last modified.
int max_objid - the maximum object ID appearing in this workspace.
        Since cloning a workspace preserves object IDs, this number may be
        greater than the number of objects in a newly cloned workspace.
permission user_permission - permissions for the authenticated user of
        this workspace.
permission globalread - whether this workspace is globally readable.
lock_status lockstat - the status of the workspace lock.
usermeta metadata - arbitrary user-supplied metadata about
        the workspace.
a reference to a list containing 9 items:
0: (id) a Workspace.ws_id
1: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
2: (owner) a Workspace.username
3: (moddate) a Workspace.timestamp
4: (max_objid) an int
5: (user_permission) a Workspace.permission
6: (globalread) a Workspace.permission
7: (lockstat) a Workspace.lock_status
8: (metadata) a Workspace.usermeta



The unique, permanent numerical ID of an object.

an int



A string used as a name for an object. Any string consisting of alphanumeric characters and the characters |._- that is not an integer is acceptable.

a string



An object version. The version of the object, starting at 1.

an int



A string that uniquely identifies an object in the workspace service.

The format is [ws_name or id]/[obj_name or id]/[obj_ver].
For example, MyFirstWorkspace/MyFirstObject/3 would identify the third version
of an object called MyFirstObject in the workspace called
MyFirstWorkspace. 42/Panic/1 would identify the first version of
the object name Panic in workspace with id 42. Towel/1/6 would
identify the 6th version of the object with id 1 in the Towel
workspace.If the version number is omitted, the latest version of
the object is assumed.
a string



An object identifier.

Select an object by either:
        One, and only one, of the numerical id or name of the workspace.
                ws_id wsid - the numerical ID of the workspace.
                ws_name workspace - the name of the workspace.
        One, and only one, of the numerical id or name of the object.
                obj_id objid- the numerical ID of the object.
                obj_name name - name of the object.
                obj_ver ver - the version of the object.
OR an object reference string:
        obj_ref ref - an object reference string.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
ver has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ver
ref has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref



A chain of objects with references to one another.

An object reference chain consists of a list of objects where the nth
object possesses a reference, either in the object itself or in the
object provenance, to the n+1th object.
a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectIdentity



A chain of objects with references to one another as a string.

A single string that is semantically identical to ref_chain above.
Represents a path from one workspace object to another through an
arbitrarily number of intermediate objects where each object has a
dependency or provenance reference to the next object. Each entry is
an obj_ref as defined earlier. Entries are separated by semicolons.
Whitespace is ignored.

3/5/6; kbaseuser:myworkspace/myobject; 5/myobject/2
a string



A path into an object. Identify a sub portion of an object by providing the path, delimited by a slash (/), to that portion of the object. Thus the path may not have slashes in the structure or mapping keys. Examples: /foo/bar/3 - specifies the bar key of the foo mapping and the 3rd entry of the array if bar maps to an array or the value mapped to the string "3" if bar maps to a map. /foo/bar/[*]/baz - specifies the baz field of all the objects in the list mapped by the bar key in the map foo. /foo/asterisk/baz - specifies the baz field of all the objects in the values of the foo mapping. Swap 'asterisk' for * in the path. In case you need to use '/' or '~' in path items use JSON Pointer notation defined here:

a string




An object subset identifier.

Select a subset of an object by:
        One, and only one, of the numerical id or name of the workspace.
                ws_id wsid - the numerical ID of the workspace.
                ws_name workspace - name of the workspace.
        One, and only one, of the numerical id or name of the object.
                obj_id objid- the numerical ID of the object.
                obj_name name - name of the object.
                obj_ver ver - the version of the object.
OR an object reference string:
        obj_ref ref - an object reference string.
AND a subset specification:
        list<object_path> included - the portions of the object to include
                in the object subset.
boolean strict_maps - if true, throw an exception if the subset
        specification traverses a non-existant map key (default false)
boolean strict_arrays - if true, throw an exception if the subset
        specification exceeds the size of an array (default true)

@deprecated Workspace.ObjectSpecification
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
ver has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ver
ref has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
included has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.object_path
strict_maps has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
strict_arrays has a value which is a Workspace.boolean



An Object Specification (OS). Inherits from ObjectIdentity (OI). Specifies which object, and which parts of that object, to retrieve from the Workspace Service.

The fields wsid, workspace, objid, name, and ver are identical to the OI fields.

The ref field's behavior is extended from OI. It maintains its previous behavior, but now also can act as a reference string. See reference following below for more information.


Reference following guarantees that a user that has access to an object can always see a) objects that are referenced inside the object and b) objects that are referenced in the object's provenance. This ensures that the user has visibility into the entire provenance of the object and the object's object dependencies (e.g. references).

The user must have at least read access to the object specified in this SO, but need not have access to any further objects in the reference chain, and those objects may be deleted.

Optional reference following fields: Note that only one of the following fields may be specified.

ref_chain obj_path - a path to the desired object from the object specified in this OS. In other words, the object specified in this OS is assumed to be accessible to the user, and the objects in the object path represent a chain of references to the desired object at the end of the object path. If the references are all valid, the desired object will be returned. - OR - list<obj_ref> obj_ref_path - shorthand for the obj_path. - OR - ref_chain to_obj_path - identical to obj_path, except that the path is TO the object specified in this OS, rather than from the object. In other words the object specified by wsid/objid/ref etc. is the end of the path, and to_obj_path is the rest of the path. The user must have access to the first object in the to_obj_path. - OR - list<obj_ref> to_obj_ref_path - shorthand for the to_obj_path. - OR - ref_string ref - A string representing a reference path from one object to another. Unlike the previous reference following options, the ref_string represents the ENTIRE path from the source object to the target object. As with the OI object, the ref field may contain a single reference. - OR - boolean find_refence_path - This is the last, slowest, and most expensive resort for getting a referenced object - do not use this method unless the path to the object is unavailable by any other means. Setting the find_refence_path parameter to true means that the workspace service will search through the object reference graph from the object specified in this OS to find an object that 1) the user can access, and 2) has an unbroken reference path to the target object. If the search succeeds, the object will be returned as normal. Note that the search will automatically fail after a certain (but much larger than necessary for the vast majority of cases) number of objects are traversed.


When selecting a subset of an array in an object, the returned array is compressed to the size of the subset, but the ordering of the array is maintained. For example, if the array stored at the 'feature' key of a Genome object has 4000 entries, and the object paths provided are: /feature/7 /feature/3015 /feature/700 The returned feature array will be of length three and the entries will consist, in order, of the 7th, 700th, and 3015th entries of the original array.

Optional object subset fields: list<object_path> included - the portions of the object to include in the object subset. boolean strict_maps - if true, throw an exception if the subset specification traverses a non-existent map key (default false) boolean strict_arrays - if true, throw an exception if the subset specification exceeds the size of an array (default true)

a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
ver has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ver
ref has a value which is a Workspace.ref_string
obj_path has a value which is a Workspace.ref_chain
obj_ref_path has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
to_obj_path has a value which is a Workspace.ref_chain
to_obj_ref_path has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
find_reference_path has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
included has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.object_path
strict_maps has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
strict_arrays has a value which is a Workspace.boolean



Meta data associated with an object stored in a workspace. Provided for backwards compatibility.

obj_name id - name of the object. type_string type - type of the object. timestamp moddate - date when the object was saved obj_ver instance - the version of the object string command - Deprecated. Always returns the empty string. username lastmodifier - name of the user who last saved the object, including copying the object username owner - Deprecated. Same as lastmodifier. ws_name workspace - name of the workspace in which the object is stored string ref - Deprecated. Always returns the empty string. string chsum - the md5 checksum of the object. usermeta metadata - arbitrary user-supplied metadata about the object. obj_id objid - the numerical id of the object.

@deprecated object_info

a reference to a list containing 12 items:
0: (id) a Workspace.obj_name
1: (type) a Workspace.type_string
2: (moddate) a Workspace.timestamp
3: (instance) an int
4: (command) a string
5: (lastmodifier) a Workspace.username
6: (owner) a Workspace.username
7: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
8: (ref) a string
9: (chsum) a string
10: (metadata) a Workspace.usermeta
11: (objid) a Workspace.obj_id



Information about an object, including user provided metadata.

obj_id objid - the numerical id of the object.
obj_name name - the name of the object.
type_string type - the type of the object.
timestamp save_date - the save date of the object.
obj_ver ver - the version of the object.
username saved_by - the user that saved or copied the object.
ws_id wsid - the workspace containing the object.
ws_name workspace - the workspace containing the object.
string chsum - the md5 checksum of the object.
int size - the size of the object in bytes.
usermeta meta - arbitrary user-supplied metadata about
        the object.
a reference to a list containing 11 items:
0: (objid) a Workspace.obj_id
1: (name) a Workspace.obj_name
2: (type) a Workspace.type_string
3: (save_date) a Workspace.timestamp
4: (version) an int
5: (saved_by) a Workspace.username
6: (wsid) a Workspace.ws_id
7: (workspace) a Workspace.ws_name
8: (chsum) a string
9: (size) an int
10: (meta) a Workspace.usermeta



Information about an object as a struct rather than a tuple. This allows adding fields in a backward compatible way in the future. Includes more fields than object_info.

obj_id objid - the numerical id of the object. obj_name name - the name of the object. type_string type - the type of the object. timestamp save_date - the save date of the object. obj_ver ver - the version of the object. username saved_by - the user that saved or copied the object. ws_id wsid - the workspace containing the object. ws_name workspace - the workspace containing the object. string chsum - the md5 checksum of the object. int size - the size of the object in bytes. usermeta meta - arbitrary user-supplied metadata about the object. usermeta adminmeta - service administrator metadata set on an object. Unlike most other object fields, admin metadata is mutable. list<obj_ref> path - the path to the object.

a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
type has a value which is a Workspace.type_string
save_date has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
version has a value which is an int
saved_by has a value which is a Workspace.username
wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
chsum has a value which is a string
size has a value which is an int
meta has a value which is a Workspace.usermeta
adminmeta has a value which is a Workspace.usermeta
path has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref



An external data unit. A piece of data from a source outside the Workspace.

On input, only one of the resource_release_date or resource_release_epoch may be supplied. Both are supplied on output.

All fields are optional, but at least one field must be present.

string resource_name - the name of the resource, for example JGI. string resource_url - the url of the resource, for example string resource_version - version of the resource timestamp resource_release_date - the release date of the resource epoch resource_release_epoch - the release date of the resource string data_url - the url of the data, for example organism=BlaspURHD0036 string data_id - the id of the data, for example 7625.2.79179.AGTTCC.adnq.fastq.gz string description - a free text description of the data.

a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
resource_name has a value which is a string
resource_url has a value which is a string
resource_version has a value which is a string
resource_release_date has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
resource_release_epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
data_url has a value which is a string
data_id has a value which is a string
description has a value which is a string



Information about a subaction that is invoked by a provenance action.

A provenance action (PA) may invoke subactions (SA), e.g. calling a
separate piece of code, a service, or a script. In most cases these
calls are the same from PA to PA and so do not need to be listed in
the provenance since providing information about the PA alone provides

In some cases, however, SAs may change over time, such that invoking
the same PA with the same parameters may produce different results.
For example, if a PA calls a remote server, that server may be updated
between a PA invoked on day T and another PA invoked on day T+1.

The SubAction structure allows for specifying information about SAs
that may dynamically change from PA invocation to PA invocation.

All fields are optional but at least one field must be present.

string name - the name of the SA.
string ver - the version of SA.
string code_url - a url pointing to the SA's codebase.
string commit - a version control commit ID for the SA.
string endpoint_url - a url pointing to the access point for the SA -
        a server url, for instance.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
name has a value which is a string
ver has a value which is a string
code_url has a value which is a string
commit has a value which is a string
endpoint_url has a value which is a string



A provenance action.

A provenance action (PA) is an action taken while transforming one data
object to another. There may be several PAs taken in series. A PA is
typically running a script, running an api command, etc. All of the
following fields are optional, but more information provided equates to
better data provenance.

If a provenance action has no fields defined at all, it is silently dropped from
the list.

resolved_ws_objects should never be set by the user; it is set by the
workspace service when returning data.

On input, only one of the time or epoch may be supplied. Both are
supplied on output.

The maximum size of the entire provenance object, including all actions,
is 1MB.

timestamp time - the time the action was started
epoch epoch - the time the action was started.
string caller - the name or id of the invoker of this provenance
        action. In most cases, this will be the same for all PAs.
string service - the name of the service that performed this action.
string service_ver - the version of the service that performed this action.
string method - the method of the service that performed this action.
list<UnspecifiedObject> method_params - the parameters of the method
        that performed this action. If an object in the parameters is a
        workspace object, also put the object reference in the
        input_ws_object list.
string script - the name of the script that performed this action.
string script_ver - the version of the script that performed this action.
string script_command_line - the command line provided to the script
        that performed this action. If workspace objects were provided in
        the command line, also put the object reference in the
        input_ws_object list.
list<ref_string> input_ws_objects - the workspace objects that
        were used as input to this action; typically these will also be
        present as parts of the method_params or the script_command_line
        arguments. A reference path into the object graph may be supplied.
list<obj_ref> resolved_ws_objects - the workspace objects ids from
        input_ws_objects resolved to permanent workspace object references
        by the workspace service.
list<string> intermediate_incoming - if the previous action produced
        output that 1) was not stored in a referrable way, and 2) is
        used as input for this action, provide it with an arbitrary and
        unique ID here, in the order of the input arguments to this action.
        These IDs can be used in the method_params argument.
list<string> intermediate_outgoing - if this action produced output
        that 1) was not stored in a referrable way, and 2) is
        used as input for the next action, provide it with an arbitrary and
        unique ID here, in the order of the output values from this action.
        These IDs can be used in the intermediate_incoming argument in the
        next action.
list<ExternalDataUnit> external_data - data external to the workspace
        that was either imported to the workspace or used to create a
        workspace object.
list<SubAction> subactions - the subactions taken as a part of this
mapping<string, string> custom - user definable custom provenance
        fields and their values.
string description - a free text description of this action.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
time has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
caller has a value which is a string
service has a value which is a string
service_ver has a value which is a string
method has a value which is a string
method_params has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is an UnspecifiedObject, which can hold any non-null object
script has a value which is a string
script_ver has a value which is a string
script_command_line has a value which is a string
input_ws_objects has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ref_string
resolved_ws_objects has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
intermediate_incoming has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a string
intermediate_outgoing has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a string
external_data has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ExternalDataUnit
subactions has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.SubAction
custom has a value which is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string
description has a value which is a string



Input parameters for the "create_workspace" function.

Required arguments:
ws_name workspace - name of the workspace to be created.

Optional arguments:
permission globalread - 'r' to set the new workspace globally readable,
        default 'n'.
string description - A free-text description of the new workspace, 1000
        characters max. Longer strings will be mercilessly and brutally
usermeta meta - arbitrary user-supplied metadata for the workspace.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
globalread has a value which is a Workspace.permission
description has a value which is a string
meta has a value which is a Workspace.usermeta



Input parameters for the "alter_workspace_metadata" function.

Required arguments:
WorkspaceIdentity wsi - the workspace to be altered

One or both of the following arguments are required:
usermeta new - metadata to assign to the workspace. Duplicate keys will
        be overwritten.
list<string> remove - these keys will be removed from the workspace
        metadata key/value pairs.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
wsi has a value which is a Workspace.WorkspaceIdentity
new has a value which is a Workspace.usermeta
remove has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a string



Input parameters for the "clone_workspace" function.

Note that deleted objects are not cloned, although hidden objects are
and remain hidden in the new workspace.

Required arguments:
WorkspaceIdentity wsi - the workspace to be cloned.
ws_name workspace - name of the workspace to be cloned into. This must
        be a non-existant workspace name.

Optional arguments:
permission globalread - 'r' to set the new workspace globally readable,
        default 'n'.
string description - A free-text description of the new workspace, 1000
        characters max. Longer strings will be mercilessly and brutally
usermeta meta - arbitrary user-supplied metadata for the workspace.
list<ObjectIdentity> exclude - exclude the specified objects from the
        cloned workspace. Either an object ID or a object name must be
        specified in each ObjectIdentity - any supplied reference strings,
        workspace names or IDs, and versions are ignored.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
wsi has a value which is a Workspace.WorkspaceIdentity
workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
globalread has a value which is a Workspace.permission
description has a value which is a string
meta has a value which is a Workspace.usermeta
exclude has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectIdentity




Input parameters for the "get_workspacemeta" function. Provided for
backwards compatibility.

One, and only one of:
ws_name workspace - name of the workspace.
ws_id id - the numerical ID of the workspace.

Optional arguments:
string auth - the authentication token of the KBase account accessing
        the workspace. Overrides the client provided authorization
        credentials if they exist.

@deprecated Workspace.WorkspaceIdentity
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
id has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
auth has a value which is a string



Input parameters for the "set_permissions" function.

One, and only one, of the following is required:
ws_id id - the numerical ID of the workspace.
ws_name workspace - the name of the workspace.

Required arguments:
permission new_permission - the permission to assign to the users.
list<username> users - the users whose permissions will be altered.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
id has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
new_permission has a value which is a Workspace.permission
users has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.username



Input parameters for the "set_global_permission" function.

One, and only one, of the following is required:
ws_id id - the numerical ID of the workspace.
ws_name workspace - the name of the workspace.

Required arguments:
permission new_permission - the permission to assign to all users,
        either 'n' or 'r'. 'r' means that all users will be able to read
        the workspace; otherwise users must have specific permission to
        access the workspace.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
id has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
new_permission has a value which is a Workspace.permission



Input parameters for the "set_workspace_description" function.

One, and only one, of the following is required:
ws_id id - the numerical ID of the workspace.
ws_name workspace - the name of the workspace.

Optional arguments:
string description - A free-text description of the workspace, 1000
        characters max. Longer strings will be mercilessly and brutally
        truncated. If omitted, the description is set to null.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
id has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
description has a value which is a string



Input parameters for the "get_permissions_mass" function. workspaces - the workspaces for which to return the permissions, maximum 1000.

a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
workspaces has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.WorkspaceIdentity



A set of workspace permissions. perms - the list of permissions for each requested workspace

a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
perms has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a reference to a hash where the key is a Workspace.username and the value is a Workspace.permission



Input parameters for the "save_object" function. Provided for backwards compatibility.

Required arguments: type_string type - type of the object to be saved ws_name workspace - name of the workspace where the object is to be saved obj_name id - name behind which the object will be saved in the workspace UnspecifiedObject data - data to be saved in the workspace

Optional arguments: usermeta metadata - arbitrary user-supplied metadata for the object, not to exceed 16kb; if the object type specifies automatic metadata extraction with the 'meta ws' annotation, and your metadata name conflicts, then your metadata will be silently overwritten. string auth - the authentication token of the KBase account accessing the workspace. Overrides the client provided authorization credentials if they exist.


a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
id has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
type has a value which is a Workspace.type_string
data has a value which is an UnspecifiedObject, which can hold any non-null object
workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
metadata has a value which is a reference to a hash where the key is a string and the value is a string
auth has a value which is a string



An object and associated data required for saving.

Required arguments:
type_string type - the type of the object. Omit the version information
        to use the latest version.
UnspecifiedObject data - the object data.
One, and only one, of:
        obj_name name - the name of the object.
        obj_id objid - the id of the object to save over.

Optional arguments:
usermeta meta - arbitrary user-supplied metadata for the object,
        not to exceed 16kb; if the object type specifies automatic
        metadata extraction with the 'meta ws' annotation, and your
        metadata name conflicts, then your metadata will be silently
list<ProvenanceAction> provenance - provenance data for the object.
boolean hidden - true if this object should not be listed when listing
        workspace objects.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
type has a value which is a Workspace.type_string
data has a value which is an UnspecifiedObject, which can hold any non-null object
name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
objid has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
meta has a value which is a Workspace.usermeta
provenance has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ProvenanceAction
hidden has a value which is a Workspace.boolean



Input parameters for the "save_objects" function.

One, and only one, of the following is required:
ws_id id - the numerical ID of the workspace.
ws_name workspace - the name of the workspace.

Required arguments:
list<ObjectSaveData> objects - the objects to save.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
id has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
objects has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectSaveData



Input parameters for the "get_object" function. Provided for backwards compatibility.

Required arguments: ws_name workspace - Name of the workspace containing the object to be retrieved obj_name id - Name of the object to be retrieved

Optional arguments: int instance - Version of the object to be retrieved, enabling retrieval of any previous version of an object string auth - the authentication token of the KBase account accessing the object. Overrides the client provided authorization credentials if they exist.

@deprecated Workspace.ObjectIdentity

a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
id has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
instance has a value which is an int
auth has a value which is a string



Output generated by the "get_object" function. Provided for backwards compatibility.

UnspecifiedObject data - The object's data. object_metadata metadata - Metadata for object retrieved/

@deprecated Workspace.ObjectData

a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
data has a value which is an UnspecifiedObject, which can hold any non-null object
metadata has a value which is a Workspace.object_metadata




The provenance and supplemental info for an object.

object_info info - information about the object.
list<ProvenanceAction> provenance - the object's provenance.
username creator - the user that first saved the object to the
ws_id orig_wsid - the id of the workspace in which this object was
                originally saved. Missing for objects saved prior to version
timestamp created - the date the object was first saved to the
epoch epoch - the date the object was first saved to the
list<obj_ref> - the references contained within the object.
obj_ref copied - the reference of the source object if this object is
        a copy and the copy source exists and is accessible.
        null otherwise.
boolean copy_source_inaccessible - true if the object was copied from
        another object, but that object is no longer accessible to the
        user. False otherwise.
mapping<id_type, list<extracted_id>> extracted_ids - any ids extracted
        from the object.
string handle_error - if an error occurs while setting ACLs on
        embedded external IDs, it will be reported here. If not for historical reasons the
        parameter would be called "external_id_error".
string handle_stacktrace - the stacktrace for handle_error. As above, the parameter
        should be called "external_id_stacktrace".

a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
info has a value which is a Workspace.object_info
provenance has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ProvenanceAction
creator has a value which is a Workspace.username
orig_wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
created has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
refs has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
copied has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
copy_source_inaccessible has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
extracted_ids has a value which is a reference to a hash where the key is a Workspace.id_type and the value is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.extracted_id
handle_error has a value which is a string
handle_stacktrace has a value which is a string



The data and supplemental info for an object.

UnspecifiedObject data - the object's data or subset data.
object_info info - information about the object.
ObjectInfo infostruct - information about the object as a structure rather than a tuple.
list<obj_ref> path - the path to the object through the object reference graph. All the
        references in the path are absolute.
list<ProvenanceAction> provenance - the object's provenance.
username creator - the user that first saved the object to the workspace.
ws_id orig_wsid - the id of the workspace in which this object was
                originally saved. Missing for objects saved prior to version
timestamp created - the date the object was first saved to the
epoch epoch - the date the object was first saved to the
list<obj_ref> refs - the references contained within the object.
obj_ref copied - the reference of the source object if this object is
        a copy and the copy source exists and is accessible.
        null otherwise.
boolean copy_source_inaccessible - true if the object was copied from
        another object, but that object is no longer accessible to the
        user. False otherwise.
mapping<id_type, list<extracted_id>> extracted_ids - any ids extracted
        from the object.
string handle_error - if an error occurs while setting ACLs on
        embedded external IDs, it will be reported here. If not for historical reasons the
        parameter would be called "external_id_error".
string handle_stacktrace - the stacktrace for handle_error. As above, the parameter
        should be called "external_id_stacktrace".
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
data has a value which is an UnspecifiedObject, which can hold any non-null object
info has a value which is a Workspace.object_info
infostruct has a value which is a Workspace.ObjectInfo
path has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
provenance has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ProvenanceAction
creator has a value which is a Workspace.username
orig_wsid has a value which is a Workspace.ws_id
created has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
refs has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
copied has a value which is a Workspace.obj_ref
copy_source_inaccessible has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
extracted_ids has a value which is a reference to a hash where the key is a Workspace.id_type and the value is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.extracted_id
handle_error has a value which is a string
handle_stacktrace has a value which is a string



Input parameters for the get_objects2 function.

Required parameters:
list<ObjectSpecification> objects - the list of object specifications
        for the objects to return (via reference chain and as a subset if

Optional parameters:
boolean ignoreErrors - Don't throw an exception if an object cannot
        be accessed; return null for that object's information instead.
        Default false.
boolean infostruct - return the object information as a structure rather than a tuple.
        Default false. If true, ObjectData.path will be null as it is provided in
        the ObjectInfo data.
boolean no_data - return the provenance, references, and
        object_info for this object without the object data. Default false.
boolean skip_external_system_updates - if the objects contain any external IDs, don't
        contact external systems to perform any updates for those IDs (often ACL updates,
        e.g. for handle / blobstore / sample IDs). In some cases this can speed up fetching the
        data. Default false.
boolean batch_external_system_updates - if the objects contain any external IDs,
        send all external system updates in a batch to each external system when possible
        rather than object by object. This can potentially speed up the updates, but the
        drawback is that if the external update fails for any object, all the objects that
        required updates for that system will be marked as having a failed update.
        Has no effect if skip_external_system_updates is true. Default false.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
objects has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectSpecification
ignoreErrors has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
infostruct has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
no_data has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
skip_external_system_updates has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
batch_external_system_updates has a value which is a Workspace.boolean



Results from the get_objects2 function.

list<ObjectData> data - the returned objects.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
data has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectData



Input parameters for the "list_workspaces" function. Provided for backwards compatibility.

Optional parameters: string auth - the authentication token of the KBase account accessing the list of workspaces. Overrides the client provided authorization credentials if they exist. boolean excludeGlobal - if excludeGlobal is true exclude world readable workspaces. Defaults to false.

@deprecated Workspace.ListWorkspaceInfoParams

a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
auth has a value which is a string
excludeGlobal has a value which is a Workspace.boolean



Input parameters for the "list_workspace_info" function.

Only one of each timestamp/epoch pair may be supplied.

Optional parameters: permission perm - filter workspaces by minimum permission level. 'None' and 'readable' are ignored. list<username> owners - filter workspaces by owner. usermeta meta - filter workspaces by the user supplied metadata. NOTE: only one key/value pair is supported at this time. A full map is provided as input for the possibility for expansion in the future. timestamp after - only return workspaces that were modified after this date. timestamp before - only return workspaces that were modified before this date. epoch after_epoch - only return workspaces that were modified after this date. epoch before_epoch - only return workspaces that were modified before this date. boolean excludeGlobal - if excludeGlobal is true exclude world readable workspaces. Defaults to false. boolean showDeleted - show deleted workspaces that are owned by the user. boolean showOnlyDeleted - only show deleted workspaces that are owned by the user.

a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
perm has a value which is a Workspace.permission
owners has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.username
meta has a value which is a Workspace.usermeta
after has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
before has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
after_epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
before_epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
excludeGlobal has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
showDeleted has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
showOnlyDeleted has a value which is a Workspace.boolean



Input parameters for the "list_workspace_ids" function.

Optional parameters: permission perm - filter workspaces by minimum permission level. 'None' and 'readable' are ignored. boolean onlyGlobal - if onlyGlobal is true only include world readable workspaces. Defaults to false. If true, excludeGlobal is ignored. boolean excludeGlobal - if excludeGlobal is true exclude world readable workspaces. Defaults to true.

a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
perm has a value which is a Workspace.permission
excludeGlobal has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
onlyGlobal has a value which is a Workspace.boolean



Results of the "list_workspace_ids" function.

list<int> workspaces - the workspaces to which the user has explicit access. list<int> pub - the workspaces to which the user has access because they're globally readable.

a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
workspaces has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is an int
pub has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is an int



Input parameters for the "list_workspace_objects" function. Provided for backwards compatibility.

Required arguments: ws_name workspace - Name of the workspace for which objects should be listed

Optional arguments: type_string type - type of the objects to be listed. Here, omitting version information will find any objects that match the provided type - e.g. Foo.Bar-0 will match Foo.Bar-0.X where X is any existing version. boolean showDeletedObject - show objects that have been deleted string auth - the authentication token of the KBase account requesting access. Overrides the client provided authorization credentials if they exist.

@deprecated Workspace.ListObjectsParams

a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
type has a value which is a Workspace.type_string
showDeletedObject has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
auth has a value which is a string



Parameters for the 'list_objects' function.

At least one, and no more than 10000, workspaces must be specified in one of the
two following parameters. It is strongly recommended that the list is restricted to
the workspaces of interest, or the results may be very large:
list<ws_id> ids - the numerical IDs of the workspaces of interest.
list<ws_name> workspaces - the names of the workspaces of interest.

Only one of each timestamp/epoch pair may be supplied.

Optional arguments:
type_string type - type of the objects to be listed.  Here, omitting
        version information will find any objects that match the provided
        type - e.g. Foo.Bar-0 will match Foo.Bar-0.X where X is any
        existing version.
permission perm - DEPRECATED, no longer useful. Filter on minimum permission by providing
        only workspaces with the desired permission levels in the input list(s).
list<username> savedby - filter objects by the user that saved or
        copied the object.
usermeta meta - filter objects by the user supplied metadata. NOTE:
        only one key/value pair is supported at this time. A full map
        is provided as input for the possibility for expansion in the
timestamp after - only return objects that were created after this
timestamp before - only return objects that were created before this
epoch after_epoch - only return objects that were created after this
epoch before_epoch - only return objects that were created before this
string startafter - a reference-like string that determines where the
        list of objects will begin. It takes the form X/Y/Z, where X is
        the workspace ID, Y the object ID, and Z the version. The version
        may be omitted, and the object ID omitted if the version is also
        omitted. After a '/' separator either an integer or no characters
        at all, including whitespace, may occur. Whitespace strings are
        ignored. If startafter is provided, after, before,
        after_epoch, before_epoch, savedby, meta, minObjectID, and
        maxObjectID may not be provided. Only objects that are ordered
        after the reference, exclusive, will be included in the
        result, and the resulting list will be sorted by reference.
obj_id minObjectID - only return objects with an object id greater or
        equal to this value.
obj_id maxObjectID - only return objects with an object id less than or
        equal to this value.
boolean showDeleted - show deleted objects in workspaces to which the
        user has write access.
boolean showOnlyDeleted - only show deleted objects in workspaces to
        which the user has write access.
boolean showHidden - show hidden objects.
boolean showAllVersions - show all versions of each object that match
        the filters rather than only the most recent version.
boolean includeMetadata - include the user provided metadata in the
        returned object_info. If false (0 or null), the default, the
        metadata will be null.
boolean excludeGlobal - DEPRECATED, no longer useful. Filter on global workspaces by
        excluding them from the input workspace list(s).
int limit - limit the output to X objects. Default and maximum value
        is 10000. Limit values < 1 are treated as 10000, the default.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
workspaces has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ws_name
ids has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ws_id
type has a value which is a Workspace.type_string
perm has a value which is a Workspace.permission
savedby has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.username
meta has a value which is a Workspace.usermeta
after has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
before has a value which is a Workspace.timestamp
after_epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
before_epoch has a value which is a Workspace.epoch
startafter has a value which is a string
minObjectID has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
maxObjectID has a value which is a Workspace.obj_id
showDeleted has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
showOnlyDeleted has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
showHidden has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
showAllVersions has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
includeMetadata has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
excludeGlobal has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
limit has a value which is an int



Input parameters for the "get_objectmeta" function.

Required arguments:
ws_name workspace - name of the workspace containing the object for
         which metadata is to be retrieved
obj_name id - name of the object for which metadata is to be retrieved

Optional arguments:
int instance - Version of the object for which metadata is to be
         retrieved, enabling retrieval of any previous version of an object
string auth - the authentication token of the KBase account requesting
        access. Overrides the client provided authorization credentials if
        they exist.

@deprecated Workspace.ObjectIdentity
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
id has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name
workspace has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name
instance has a value which is an int
auth has a value which is a string



Input parameters for the "get_object_info_new" function.

Required arguments:
list<ObjectSpecification> objects - the objects for which the
        information should be fetched. Subsetting related parameters are

Optional arguments:
boolean includeMetadata - include the object metadata in the returned
        information. Default false.
boolean ignoreErrors - Don't throw an exception if an object cannot
        be accessed; return null for that object's information instead.
        Default false.

@deprecated Workspace.GetObjectInfo3Params
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
objects has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectSpecification
includeMetadata has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
ignoreErrors has a value which is a Workspace.boolean



Input parameters for the "get_object_info3" function.

Required arguments:
list<ObjectSpecification> objects - the objects for which the
        information should be fetched. Subsetting related parameters are

Optional arguments:
boolean infostruct - return information about the object as a structure rather than a tuple.
        Default false. If true, infos and paths will be null.
boolean includeMetadata - include the user and admin metadata in the returned
        information. Default false.
boolean ignoreErrors - Don't throw an exception if an object cannot
        be accessed; return null for that object's information and path instead.
        Default false.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
objects has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectSpecification
infostruct has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
includeMetadata has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
ignoreErrors has a value which is a Workspace.boolean



Output from the get_object_info3 function.

list<object_info> infos - the object_info data for each object.
list<list<obj_ref> paths - the path to the object through the object reference graph for
        each object. All the references in the path are absolute.
list<ObjectInfo> infostructs - the ObjectInfo data for each object.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
infos has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.object_info
paths has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_ref
infostructs has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectInfo



Input parameters for the 'rename_workspace' function.

Required arguments:
WorkspaceIdentity wsi - the workspace to rename.
ws_name new_name - the new name for the workspace.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
wsi has a value which is a Workspace.WorkspaceIdentity
new_name has a value which is a Workspace.ws_name



Input parameters for the 'rename_object' function.

Required arguments:
ObjectIdentity obj - the object to rename.
obj_name new_name - the new name for the object.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
obj has a value which is a Workspace.ObjectIdentity
new_name has a value which is a Workspace.obj_name



Input parameters for the 'copy_object' function.

If the 'from' ObjectIdentity includes no version and the object is
copied to a new name, the entire version history of the object is
copied. In all other cases only the version specified, or the latest
version if no version is specified, is copied.

The version from the 'to' ObjectIdentity is always ignored.

Required arguments:
ObjectIdentity from - the object to copy.
ObjectIdentity to - where to copy the object.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
from has a value which is a Workspace.ObjectIdentity
to has a value which is a Workspace.ObjectIdentity



Input parameters for the get_names_by_prefix function.

Required arguments:
list<WorkspaceIdentity> workspaces - the workspaces to search.
string prefix - the prefix of the object names to return.

Optional arguments:
boolean includeHidden - include names of hidden objects in the results.
        Default false.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
workspaces has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.WorkspaceIdentity
prefix has a value which is a string
includeHidden has a value which is a Workspace.boolean



Results object for the get_names_by_prefix function.

list<list<obj_name>> names - the names matching the provided prefix,
        listed in order of the input workspaces.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
names has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.obj_name



A type specification (typespec) file in the KBase Interface Description Language (KIDL).

a string



A module name defined in a KIDL typespec.

a string



A type definition name in a KIDL typespec.

a string



A version of a type. Specifies the version of the type in a single string in the format [major].[minor]:

major - an integer. The major version of the type. A change in the major version implies the type has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the type. A change in the minor version implies that the type has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous type definitions.

a string



A function string for referencing a funcdef. Specifies the function and its version in a single string in the format [modulename].[funcname]-[major].[minor]:

modulename - a string. The name of the module containing the function. funcname - a string. The name of the function as assigned by the funcdef statement. major - an integer. The major version of the function. A change in the major version implies the function has changed in a non-backwards compatible way. minor - an integer. The minor version of the function. A change in the minor version implies that the function has changed in a way that is backwards compatible with previous function definitions.

In many cases, the major and minor versions are optional, and if not provided the most recent version will be used.

Example: MyModule.MyFunc-3.1

a string



The version of a typespec file.

an int



The JSON Schema (v4) representation of a type definition.

a string



Parameters for the register_typespec function.

Required arguments:
One of:
typespec spec - the new typespec to register.
modulename mod - the module to recompile with updated options (see below).

Optional arguments:
boolean dryrun - Return, but do not save, the results of compiling the
        spec. Default true. Set to false for making permanent changes.
list<typename> new_types - types in the spec to make available in the
        workspace service. When compiling a spec for the first time, if
        this argument is empty no types will be made available. Previously
        available types remain so upon recompilation of a spec or
        compilation of a new spec.
list<typename> remove_types - no longer make these types available in
        the workspace service for the new version of the spec. This does
        not remove versions of types previously compiled.
mapping<modulename, spec_version> dependencies - By default, the
        latest released versions of spec dependencies will be included when
        compiling a spec. Specific versions can be specified here.
spec_version prev_ver - the id of the previous version of the typespec.
        An error will be thrown if this is set and prev_ver is not the
        most recent version of the typespec. This prevents overwriting of
        changes made since retrieving a spec and compiling an edited spec.
        This argument is ignored if a modulename is passed.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
spec has a value which is a Workspace.typespec
mod has a value which is a Workspace.modulename
new_types has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.typename
remove_types has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.typename
dependencies has a value which is a reference to a hash where the key is a Workspace.modulename and the value is a Workspace.spec_version
dryrun has a value which is a Workspace.boolean
prev_ver has a value which is a Workspace.spec_version



Parameters for the register_typespec_copy function.

Required arguments:
string external_workspace_url - the URL of the  workspace server from
        which to copy a typespec.
modulename mod - the name of the module in the workspace server

Optional arguments:
spec_version version - the version of the module in the workspace
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
external_workspace_url has a value which is a string
mod has a value which is a Workspace.modulename
version has a value which is a Workspace.spec_version



Parameters for the list_modules() function.

Optional arguments:
username owner - only list modules owned by this user.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
owner has a value which is a Workspace.username



Parameters for the list_module_versions function.

Required arguments:
One of:
modulename mod - returns all versions of the module.
type_string type - returns all versions of the module associated with
        the type.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
mod has a value which is a Workspace.modulename
type has a value which is a Workspace.type_string



A set of versions from a module.

modulename mod - the name of the module.
list<spec_version> - a set or subset of versions associated with the
list<spec_version> - a set or subset of released versions associated
        with the module.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
mod has a value which is a Workspace.modulename
vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.spec_version
released_vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.spec_version



Parameters for the get_module_info function.

Required arguments:
modulename mod - the name of the module to retrieve.

Optional arguments:
spec_version ver - the version of the module to retrieve. Defaults to
        the latest version.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
mod has a value which is a Workspace.modulename
ver has a value which is a Workspace.spec_version



Information about a module.

list<username> owners - the owners of the module.
spec_version ver - the version of the module.
typespec spec - the typespec.
string description - the description of the module from the typespec.
mapping<type_string, jsonschema> types - the types associated with this
        module and their JSON schema.
mapping<modulename, spec_version> included_spec_version - names of
        included modules associated with their versions.
string chsum - the md5 checksum of the object.
list<func_string> functions - list of names of functions registered in spec.
boolean is_released - shows if this version of module was released (and
        hence can be seen by others).
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
owners has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.username
ver has a value which is a Workspace.spec_version
spec has a value which is a Workspace.typespec
description has a value which is a string
types has a value which is a reference to a hash where the key is a Workspace.type_string and the value is a Workspace.jsonschema
included_spec_version has a value which is a reference to a hash where the key is a Workspace.modulename and the value is a Workspace.spec_version
chsum has a value which is a string
functions has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.func_string
is_released has a value which is a Workspace.boolean



Information about a type

type_string type_def - resolved type definition id.
string description - the description of the type from spec file.
string spec_def - reconstruction of type definition from spec file.
jsonschema json_schema - JSON schema of this type.
string parsing_structure - json document describing parsing structure of type
        in spec file including involved sub-types.
list<spec_version> module_vers - versions of spec-files containing
        given type version.
list<spec_version> released_module_vers - versions of released spec-files
        containing given type version.
list<type_string> type_vers - all versions of type with given type name.
list<type_string> released_type_vers - all released versions of type with
        given type name.
list<func_string> using_func_defs - list of functions (with versions)
        referring to this type version.
list<type_string> using_type_defs - list of types (with versions)
        referring to this type version.
list<type_string> used_type_defs - list of types (with versions)
        referred from this type version.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
type_def has a value which is a Workspace.type_string
description has a value which is a string
spec_def has a value which is a string
json_schema has a value which is a Workspace.jsonschema
parsing_structure has a value which is a string
module_vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.spec_version
released_module_vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.spec_version
type_vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.type_string
released_type_vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.type_string
using_func_defs has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.func_string
using_type_defs has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.type_string
used_type_defs has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.type_string



DEPRECATED @deprecated

a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
func_def has a value which is a Workspace.func_string
description has a value which is a string
spec_def has a value which is a string
parsing_structure has a value which is a string
module_vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.spec_version
released_module_vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.spec_version
func_vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.func_string
released_func_vers has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.func_string
used_type_defs has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.type_string



Parameters for the grant_module_ownership function.

Required arguments:
modulename mod - the module to modify.
username new_owner - the user to add to the module's list of

Optional arguments:
boolean with_grant_option - true to allow the user to add owners
        to the module.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
mod has a value which is a Workspace.modulename
new_owner has a value which is a Workspace.username
with_grant_option has a value which is a Workspace.boolean



Parameters for the remove_module_ownership function.

Required arguments:
modulename mod - the module to modify.
username old_owner - the user to remove from the module's list of
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
mod has a value which is a Workspace.modulename
old_owner has a value which is a Workspace.username



Parameters for list_all_types function.

Optional arguments:
boolean with_empty_modules - include empty module names, optional flag,
        default value is false.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
with_empty_modules has a value which is a Workspace.boolean



The results of the get_admin_role call.

adminrole - the users's administration role, one of `none`, `read`, or `full`.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
adminrole has a value which is a string



An object metadata update specification.

Required arguments:
ObjectIdentity oi - the object to be altered

One or both of the following arguments are required:
usermeta new - metadata to assign to the workspace. Duplicate keys will
        be overwritten.
list<string> remove - these keys will be removed from the workspace
        metadata key/value pairs.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
oi has a value which is a Workspace.ObjectIdentity
new has a value which is a Workspace.usermeta
remove has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a string



Input parameters for the alter_admin_object_metadata method.

updates - the metadata updates to apply to the objects. If the same object is specified
        twice in the list, the update order is unspecified. At most 1000 updates are allowed
        in one call.
a reference to a hash where the following keys are defined:
updates has a value which is a reference to a list where each element is a Workspace.ObjectMetadataUpdate