Build and initialize the workspace client

This documentation describes how to build and initialize the workspace clients. It assumes the build occurs on Ubuntu 18.04LTS. It assumes that the workspace_deluxe repo has been cloned (see Getting the code).

Python client

The Python client checked into libs/biokbase/workspace/ does not require a build, but does require the requests library.

Change the working directory to the lib directory:

bareubuntu@bu:~/ws$ cd workspace_deluxe/lib/

Alternatively, add this directory to the PYTHONPATH.

Here we use the iPython interpreter to demonstrate initializing the client, but the standard python interpreter will also work:

bareubuntu@bu:~/ws/workspace_deluxe/lib$ ipython
In [1]: from biokbase.workspace.client import Workspace
In [2]: ws = Workspace('', token=[redacted])
In [3]: ws.ver()
Out[3]: u'0.14.2'

Developer tokens are available from the Account page of the KBase Narrative for approved developers or can be created in the testmode API of the KBase authentication server if running a local workspace and auth server.

Java client

The easiest way to use the client is with a build tool like Gradle or Maven, fetching the client via

If you want to build the client manually read on.

The Java client build requires Java JDK 11+.

Build the client:

bareubuntu@bu:~/ws/workspace_deluxe$ ./gradlew jar

The client jar is created in client/build/libs/client.jar.

For simplicity, copy the required jars into a single directory. You will also need the following jars, which can be downloaded from a maven repository or

bareubuntu@bu:~/ws$ mkdir tryjavaclient
bareubuntu@bu:~/ws$ cd tryjavaclient/
bareubuntu@bu:~/ws/tryjavaclient$ ls

auth2_client_java-0.5.0.jar    java_common-0.3.0.jar
jackson-annotations-2.9.9.jar  javax.annotation-api-1.3.2.jar
jackson-core-2.9.9.jar         client.jar

This simple program initializes and calls a method on the WSS client:

bareubuntu@bu:~/ws/tryjavaclient$ cat
import us.kbase.auth.AuthToken;
import us.kbase.auth.client.AuthClient;
import us.kbase.workspace.WorkspaceClient;

public class TryWorkspaceClient {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        final String authUrl = "";
        final AuthClient authcli = AuthClient.from(new URI(authUrl));

        final String tokenString = args[0];
        final AuthToken token = authcli.validateToken(tokenString);

        final WorkspaceClient client = new WorkspaceClient(
                new URL(""),

Compile and run:

bareubuntu@bu:~/ws/tryjavaclient$ javac -cp "./*"
bareubuntu@bu:~/ws/tryjavaclient$ java -cp "./:./*" TryWorkspaceClient $KBASE_TOKEN

For more client initialization and configuration options, see Workspace API documentation.

Javascript client


Build (probably not needed) and initialization instructions for the Javascript client.