Locking and publishing workspacesΒΆ

A workspace administrator may lock a workspace, preventing (most) further changes. If a locked workspace is globally readable, it is considered published - a user might wish to publish a workspace that contains supplemental information for a publication, for example, so that the publication editors can see that the information is permanently recorded.


Once a workspace is locked, it can never be unlocked, even by a server administrator.

As usual, it is assumed that a functional client is available (see Build and initialize the workspace client). The examples use the Python client, but translating to other clients is trivial.

Lock a workspace (see Creating workspaces and Save an object for information on creating workspaces and saving objects):

In [8]: ws.lock_workspace({'workspace': 'MyWorkspace'})

The following methods are not allowed on locked workspaces:

  • alter_workspace_metadata

  • delete_objects

  • undelete_objects

  • delete_workspace

  • hide_objects

  • unhide_objects

  • lock_workspace

  • rename_object

  • rename_workspace

  • revert_object

  • save_object (note this function is deprecated)

  • save_objects

  • set_workspace_description

set_permissions does work.

Additionally set_global_permission may only be used to make the workspace globally readable. A locked, globally readable workspace may not be made private:

In [9]: ws.set_global_permission({'workspace': 'MyWorkspace',
                                  'new_permission': 'r'})

In [10]: ws.set_global_permission({'workspace': 'MyWorkspace',
                                   'new_permission': 'n'})
ServerError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-10-c700ea19406a> in <module>()
----> 1 ws.set_global_permission({'workspace': 'MyWorkspace',
                                  'new_permission': 'n'})


ServerError: JSONRPCError: -32500. The workspace with id 12, name MyWorkspace,
 is locked and may not be modified