Class ObjectSaveData

  • @Generated("com.googlecode.jsonschema2pojo")
    public class ObjectSaveData
    extends Object

    Original spec-file type: ObjectSaveData

     An object and associated data required for saving.
                     Required arguments:
                     type_string type - the type of the object. Omit the version information
                             to use the latest version.
                     UnspecifiedObject data - the object data.
                     One, and only one, of:
                             obj_name name - the name of the object.
                             obj_id objid - the id of the object to save over.
                     Optional arguments:
                     usermeta meta - arbitrary user-supplied metadata for the object,
                             not to exceed 16kb; if the object type specifies automatic
                             metadata extraction with the 'meta ws' annotation, and your
                             metadata name conflicts, then your metadata will be silently
                     list provenance - provenance data for the object.
                     boolean hidden - true if this object should not be listed when listing
                             workspace objects.